[Sir xasaasiya:] Madaxweynaha Puntland oo heshiis hoose la galay Al-Shabaab ?

Thursday July 21, 2016 - 07:48:26 in Articles by Super Admin
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    [Sir xasaasiya:] Madaxweynaha Puntland oo heshiis hoose la galay Al-Shabaab ?

    Waagacusub.net - Heshiiska dhexmaray Madaxweyne Gaas iyo Al-Shabaab oo ay ka shaqeeyeen ganacsato iyo Wadaado reer Puntland ah waxaa lagu gaaray qodobo xasaasiya oo leeysla lafa guray intii u dhaxeeysay December 2014 ilaa May 2015.

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Waagacusub.net - Heshiiska dhexmaray Madaxweyne Gaas iyo Al-Shabaab oo ay ka shaqeeyeen ganacsato iyo Wadaado reer Puntland ah waxaa lagu gaaray qodobo xasaasiya oo leeysla lafa guray intii u dhaxeeysay December 2014 ilaa May 2015.

Qodobadda lagu heshiiyay waxaa ka mida:-

1- Inuu burburiyo ama wiiqo awoodda Hay’adda Sirdoonka Puntland ee PIA. 

2- Inuu Ciidanka Melleterigga Puntland kala diro  ama burburiyo hab farsameeysan 

3-Inuu Xabsiyadda Puntland ka sii daayo Saraakiil ka tirsan Al-Shabaab oo ku xirnaay.

Baaris Warbaahinta Waagacusub sameeysay ayaa durba lagu xaqiijiyay inuu Madaxweyne Gaas Xabsiga  ka sii daayay ugu yaraan shan Sarkaal oo Al-Shabaab ka tirsan uuna ka mid yahay Maxamed Cismaan Axmed Sahal oo ka mid ahaay raggii ka qeyb qaatay dilkii Sheekh Cabduqadir Nur Faarax .

Sarkaalka dilaaga uu sii daayay Cabdiweli Gaas oo u dhashay Majeerteen Ciise Maxamuud ayaa ku xukunaa Xabsi daa-in.Waxaan halkaan hoose ku lifaaqnay warqadii uu ku sii daaye ee Cafis Madaxweyne ?

Dhinaca kale, Wuxuu Madaxweynaha Puntland kula heshiiyay ineysan bartilmaameedsan mudada uu joogo Puntland,isagoo u gudbiyay liis ay ku qoran yihiin shaqsiyaad si gaara ugu xiran.

Madaxweyne Gaas wuxuu Al-Shabaab kula heshiiyay iney u fuliyaan hoowlgalo u gaara sida khaarijinta shaqsiyaadka dhaliilsan hab maamulkiisa .

Saraakiil ka tirsan Sirdoonka ayaa sheegay in qaraxii lagu weeraray UN-ka 20-kii April 2015 uu ahaay shaqo gudaha laga qabtay ama Inside Job waxa loo yaqaan taas oo Saraakiisha maamulka ay ku lug lahaayeen.

Qaraxii 2-aad ee Dowladda Puntland ku lug laheyd ayaa lagu dilay Agaasimaha Maaliyadda gobolka Mudug allaha u naxariistee Gaadayare.

Madaxweyne Gaas ayaa heshiiskaas kadib Xabsiyadda ka sii daaye dhawr Sarkaal oo ka tirsan Al-Shabaab kuwaas oo markii la sii daayay u soo hanjabay Madaxweynahii hore ee Puntland Cabdiraxman Faroole oo ahaay ninkii horey u xiray.

Heshiiska Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiweli Gaas iyo Saraakiisha sare ee Al-Shabaab dhexmaray waxaa u kala metelayay.

Dhinaca Cabdiweli Gaas waxaa metelaaye.

1- Xersi Aduunyo oo ahaay Milkiilahii Shirkadda Hubaal ,ahaana ninka Shidaalka siiya Madaxtooyadda Puntland. una dhashay Cumar Maxamuud, Reer Cabdulle.

2- Iimaam Cabdiwahab Maxamuud Gurey oo ah La taliyaha Madaxweyne Gaas. una dhashay Cumar , Reer Adan.

3- Cabdirashiid Qodhob oo ah taliyaha Ciidanka Madaxtooyadda Puntland una dhashay , Cumar Reer Khalaf.

Dhinaca Al-Shabaab waxaa heshiiska u metelay :-

1-Sheekh Cabdi Salaan Maxamed Khaliif oo u dhashay Cumar Maxamuud , Reer Mahad.

2- Sheekh Cabdiraxmaan Yusuf oo u dhashay Beesha Direed.

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