Somalia:The Biography of the current Minister for Information

Saturday September 26, 2015 - 23:20:46 in Articles by Super Admin
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    Somalia:The Biography of the current Minister for Information

    Wagacusub Media will present for the biography of Minister Maareeye starting from the government of Premier Ali Mohamed Gedi when he was the Minister for reconciliation and he initially came from Burco town in the breakaway of Somaliland.

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Wagacusub Media will present for the biography of Minister Maareeye starting from the government of Premier Ali Mohamed Gedi when he was the Minister for reconciliation and he initially came from Burco town in the breakaway of Somaliland.

We shall also be focusing on his life time in the regions of the lower Jubba, Lower Shabelle and Banadir

When did he become tycoon and when did he become corrupted? 

Minister Mareeye is Issaq tribe and his sub clan Habarjeclo and for the first time in his life he became financially stable during the reconciliation conference which was held at Xero Gadiid in the year 2007.

In that conference $500 was used to be given to the delegates on every Thursday, and the registration of the delegates was done none other than him. 

He has registered a very big number of participants including harlots whom he used share the money with them.

Mareeye used to live in a villa house just opposite of the residential of Premier Gedi and there was a mother and her daughter from the marginalized clans who used to work in his house. During that time there was a man, who is now a deputy Minister who used to take heavy alcohols who used to live with him in the house, but Mareeye himself never used any sort of drugs whatsoever, but he used to have good time with young damsels 

In the year 2007 he gave Visa to his wife his children and two other people who he sold to them and they have safely reached Germany.

His children handed themselves over to the government of Germany and among them was a sick boy whose name was Abdi Rabbi, his wife immediately went back to Kenya and from there went to Baidoa, and reliable sources told Wagacusub  that time the wife was in absolute mood of jealousy, and it is still mysterious how she managed to go back without having valid travel documents. 

However his wife in mental jealously condition and his son have once again handed themselves over to the Swedish government where they are till today.

Minister Mareeye is socially good person and grew up Jammame and Kuntuwareey locations, and he is tribal minded and corrupt person. 

He has been for a longtime fighting for the position for being a Member of Parliament.  

He become the Minister for Information, tourism and culture in the current cabinet of Ministers and there was a big challenge between him and another MP by the name Jamac Oday who is Habarjeclo. The Minister is not the kind of men who can abstain from corruption, he hasn’t paid the workers in his Ministry and instead he purchased a very expensive luxury car .

By Dahir Alasow

[email protected]

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