Waagacusub Radio

Fanaanka weyn Nuur Daalacay oo Arooska Fanaanadda Xaawo Kiin hees cajiiba uga qeybgalay

Hits: 11290 | Friday February 23, 2018 - 06:30:41
Hanaan qurux iyo Asluub Marwo lagu hagoogayoo Dhaqankiyo hiddihii ka tegin Hadaad heshay waa hubaal ———————— Naga hano , Naga hanoo Hambalyo iyo ducaba Naga hanoo Xaawo Kiin ducadda naga hanoo Hambalyo iyo Salaan naga hano Naga hano , Naga hanoo Cabdirisaq Ducadda naga hanoo ——————————— Hankaagii waad heshoo Hamigaagii wuu hirgelay Halyeey lagu dhaadan karo Hadaad hooy wada gasheen

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Dhageyso Wasiir Beyle cadaawaddiisa fog ee burburinta ganacsiga iyo dhaqaalaha Muqdisho

Hits: 3992 | Tuesday February 20, 2018 - 22:54:58
Dhageyso Wasiir Beyle oo cadaawaddiisa fog ee burburinta ganacsiga iyo dhaqaalaha Muqdisho

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Dhageyso Taliye Sanbaloolshe "Dhiibistii Qalbi dhagax iyo Sir culus ka hadlay" Wareeysi 25 daqiiqo soconata kadib markii uu afka furtay

Hits: 20370 | Thursday February 01, 2018 - 20:38:37
Dhageyso Taliye Sanbaloolshe "Dhiibistii Qalbi dhagax iyo Sir culus ka hadlay" Wareeysi 25 daqiiqo soconata kadib markii uu afka furtay

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Dhageyso VOA - Sanbaloolshe oo afka furtay "Farmaajo iyo Kheyrlawe waxaa ka hoos shaqeeya nin Mulkiilaha Dowladda isu heeysta oo la yiraa Fahad Yasin laakiin dhinaca kale Waraabaha ilmahiisa iyo kuwa kale kalama yaqaan waa cunaa"

Hits: 5663 | Thursday February 01, 2018 - 15:32:59
Agaasimihii hore ee hay'adda nabad-sugidda Soomaaliya, Cabdullaahi Maxamed Cali Sanbloolshe, ayaa dhalliilay qaabkii ay u dhacday doorashadii dhowaan ka dhacay magaalada Jowhar ee gobolka Shabeellaha Dhexe ee looga guulaystay kursigiisii hore ee baarlamaanka. Sanbaloolshe, ayaa ku eedeeyey dawladdu in ay faragelin ku samaysay doorashadaasi isla markaana ay dhaqaale ku taageertay musharraxa ku guulaystay doorashadaasi ee Nuur Iidow Bayle. Haaruun Macruuf aya akula xiriiriy khadka telefoonka Muqdisho, waxaana uu uu weydiiyey sida uu u arko doorashadaasi. Dhinaca kalena, waxaa eedddaa kasoo yeertay Cabdullaahi Maxamed Cali Sanbaloolshe beeniyey, Nuur Iidow Bayle oo isagu jagadaasi ku guulaystay. Weriyahayaga Jamaal Axmed Cismaan ayuu u warramay.

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Dhageyso Cod Sira Salman Jamal oo lacag ka dhacay Faiza Wadani iyo ninkii soo diray oo oohin afka furtay

Hits: 24703 | Sunday December 24, 2017 - 07:04:54
Dhageyso Cod Sira Salman Jamal oo lacag ka dhacay Faiza Wadani iyo ninkii soo diray oo oohin afka furtay

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Dhageyso fadeexada ka taagan Lacagtii Mareykanka ka goostay Ciidanka Melleteriga Somalia

Hits: 5213 | Saturday December 16, 2017 - 07:00:11
Dhageyso fadeexada ka taagan Lacagtii Mareykanka ka goostay Ciidanka Melleteriga Somalia

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Dhageyso Wasiirka Amniga oo u hanjabay siyaasiyiinta Mucaarada Farmaajo iyo Kheyrlawe -Warbaahinta madaxabanaan

Hits: 3013 | Saturday December 02, 2017 - 16:24:48
Dhageyso Wasiirka Amniga oo u hanjabay siyaasiyiinta Mucaarada Farmaajo iyo Kheyrlawe

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Xidigta cusub Rasmi Rays oo heestii ugu shidneed sanadka soo saartay - Sidee isu guursanaa ?

Hits: 1511 | Monday November 13, 2017 - 06:13:23
Waxaad tahay laba godlee, sideen isu guursanaa. Heesta sanadka ee Rasmi Rays soo saartay

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Dhageyso Gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka iyo Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Galmudug oo sheegay iney Xabsi guri ku jiraan oo lagu xukumay shan maalmood iney halkaas ka bixi karin

Hits: 1599 | Tuesday September 26, 2017 - 14:23:38
Dhageyso Gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka iyo Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Galmudug oo sheegay iney Xabsi guri ku jiraan oo lagu xukumay shan maalmood iney halkaas ka bixi karin

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Dhageyso beenta Safiirka Somalia u fadhiya Qaramadda Midoobay oo beeniyay in cod loo diiday Dowladda Somalia

Hits: 188 | Thursday September 21, 2017 - 07:35:59
Dhageyso beenta Safiirka Somalia u fadhiya Qaramadda Midoobay oo beeniyay in cod loo diiday Dowladda Somalia

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Fanaanad reer Hargeysa ah oo Garowe iyo Muqdisho shiday - Xidig cajiiba oo cod macaan

Hits: 6420 | Friday August 18, 2017 - 23:00:07
Fanaanadda -xidigta Najmo Afqurux oo qabsatay suuq Fanka

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Caweyska Sabtiga iyo Fanaan Khadar Keeyow oo kal iyo laab u soo qaaday heestii Indha deeraleey

Hits: 8523 | Friday August 18, 2017 - 22:40:59
Caweyska Sabtiga iyo Fanaan Khadar Keeyow oo kal iyo laab u soo qaaday heestii Indha deeraleey

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Banaanbixii Habargidir iyo Duduble ee Huriwaa oo aan loo kala harin iyo Wadooyinka Xamar oo shacab gadoodsan xireen

Hits: 10711 | Friday August 04, 2017 - 15:04:50
Banaanbixii Habargidir iyo Duduble ee Huriwaa oo aan loo kala harin iyo Wadooyinka Xamar oo shacab gadoodsan xireen

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Dhageyso Banaanbaxayaashii Habargidir oo ku hanjabay iney dilayaan Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda Sare "Farmaajoow sidii aan adeerkaa Siyad Barre uga jiidnay Madaxtooyadda ayaan kuu jiideeynaa"

Hits: 18264 | Friday August 04, 2017 - 14:51:09
Dhageyso Banaanbaxayaashii Habargidir oo ku hanjabay iney dilayaan Gudoomiyaha Maxkamadda Sare "Farmaajoow sidii aan adeerkaa Siyad Barre uga jiidnay Madaxtooyadda ayaan kuu jiideeynaa"

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Dhageyso Beesha Abgaal oo ku dhawaaqday iney dagaal la geli doonto beesha Murusade

Hits: 19050 | Saturday July 29, 2017 - 23:46:54
Dhageyso Beesha Abgaal oo ku dhawaaqday iney dagaal la geli doonto beesha Murusade

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Dhageyso beesha Sacad Habargidir oo ku hanjabtay in dagaal faraha looga gubto la geli doonaan Majeerteenka Mudug

Hits: 18220 | Thursday July 27, 2017 - 09:13:43
Dhageyso beesha Sacad Habargidir oo ku hanjabtay in dagaal faraha looga gubto la geli doonaan Majeerteenka Mudug

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Dhageyso Dowladda Farmaajo oo ku hanjabtay iney hantidda ganacsatadda Hawiye la wareegayaan -hubka dhigistii-xilka dhigistii waxaa xigtay Hanti ka dhigis sidaan horey u sheegnay

Hits: 9247 | Saturday July 22, 2017 - 23:48:39
Dhageyso Dowladda Farmaajo oo ku hanjabtay iney hantidda ganacsatadda Hawiye la wareegayaan -hubka dhigistii-xilka dhigistii waxaa xigtay Hanti ka dhigis sidaan horey u sheegnay

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Dhageyso Jeneral Jamac M Qaalib "Ma noqon karo Guulwade waana la yaabay lacagta anigga haleey keeno markuu Farmaajo yiri iyo Hanjabaadii Xildhibaanadda uu Sheekha u Jeediyay"

Hits: 10569 | Monday July 10, 2017 - 21:48:18
Dhageyso Jeneral Jamac M Qaalib "Ma noqon karo Guulwade waana la yaabay lacagta anigga haleey keeno markuu Farmaajo yiri iyo Hanjabaadii Xildhibaanadda uu Sheekha u Jeediyay"

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Dhageyso Gudoomiyaha Banaadir oo Maxkamad looga yeeray iyo maamulka Beerta Nabadda oo waxba kama jiraan ku sifeeyay amarkii Maamulka Taabit

Hits: 6058 | Friday July 07, 2017 - 21:02:12
Dhageyso Gudoomiyaha Banaadir oo Maxkamad looga yeeray iyo maamulka Beerta Nabadda oo waxba kama jiraan ku sifeeyay amarkii Maamulka Taabit

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Dhageyso Fadeexadda Senator Cumar Xalweyste oo cadeeystay inuu calooshiis u shaqeeyste ka dhintay damiirka yahay

Hits: 14104 | Friday July 07, 2017 - 20:33:15
Ra'iisul wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya, kana tirsan mudanayaasha aqalka sare, Cumar Cabdirashiid Cali Sharmaarke oo ka qayb-galaya barnaamijka Martida Makarafoonka ayaa sheegay in maslaxadda Soomaaliya aysan marnaba ku jirin mawqifka dhexdheaaxdnimo ee dawladda Soomaaliya ay ka qaatay xiisadda carabta. Cumar Cabdirashiid ayaa ku baaqay in mawqifkaasi laga noqdo isaga oo sheegay in maslaxadda Soomaaliya ay ku jirto in lala safto dalalka Sucuudiga, Imaaraadka iyo Masar oo uu sheegay in ay mar walba usoo gurmadaan Soomaaliya. Ugu horrayn waxaa uu ka jawaabayaa sida uu u arko mawqifka dawladda ee ku aadan xiisadda dalalka carabta, waxaana wareystay weriye Ridwaan Xaaji Cabdiweli.

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Somalia accuses Ethiopia of weapons smuggling for fourth time

Somalia's government on Sunday accused Ethiopia of smuggling arms into the country for the fourth time this year, further alleging its involvement in supporting regional officials, subject to court warrants and actively pursued, in efforts to destabilize the nation.

Villa Somalia and Jubaland now teeter on the edge of full-blown war

Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Jubaland leader Ahmed Madobe, previously allies in the nation's political landscape, now find themselves on the brink of war after a divisive National Consultative Council meeting revealed profound rifts, prompting both sides to mobilize for a possible showdown.

The killer,the kidnapper of Somalia, entered in the US as a migrant

In July 2009, Mahad Ibrahim Hamarow kidnapped French officers Denis Allex and another officer who escaped from the Sahafi Hotel in Mogadishu and then joined Al Shabaab. In the same year, he fled to Kenya, this was confirmed by Hizbul Islam Spokesman Mr Aydarus. - In 2010, Mahad Hamarow went to South Africa for migration, that's how we found out in the investigation, we were also told by Mohamed Isse and his brother Somaney who lives in Johannesburg South Africa.

Somalia:War to Defeat Al Shabab Militarily

President HSM's Proclamation to Defeat Al-Shabab by Force in Somalia To overcome the complex problems of civil war, state fragility, and underdevelopment, the Somali people supported risky political changes for a government that promotes freedom, justice, peace, and prosperity in Somalia. For example, the Islamic movements enjoyed popular support to end the brutal reigns of warlords and the military occupation of Ethiopia and establish new government.

Somalia:$17 million external support has not been channeled through the country's single treasury account

Waagacusub.net -Auditor General Mohamed Ali alias Afgoi has exposed missing millions of dollars from key departments within the Federal Government of Somalia [FGS], in what could raise questions about government expenditures. In his report, Afgoi said 25 entities and three embassies have been audited. Unsupported expenditure amounts to $9M; contracts worth $31M not registered with auditor general's office, the existence of unauthorized bank accounts outside the Treasury Single Account.

Somalia army and Jubaland forces edge closer to conflict

Waagacusub.net- Somalia's army and Jubaland forces are teetering on the edge of conflict, as the military buildup intensifies daily and tensions show no signs of de-escalating, Caasimada Online news website reported on Monday. Full Article


Somalia accuses Ethiopia of weapons smuggling for fourth time

Somalia's government on Sunday accused Ethiopia of smuggling arms into the country for the fourth time this year, further alleging its involvement in supporting regional officials, subject to court warrants and actively pursued, in efforts to destabilize the nation. Full Article


Villa Somalia and Jubaland now teeter on the edge of full-blown war

Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Jubaland leader Ahmed Madobe, previously allies in the nation's political landscape, now find themselves on the brink of war after a divisive National Consultative Council meeting revealed profound rifts, prompting both sides to mobilize for a possible showdown. Full Article


The killer,the kidnapper of Somalia, entered in the US as a migrant

In July 2009, Mahad Ibrahim Hamarow kidnapped French officers Denis Allex and another officer who escaped from the Sahafi Hotel in Mogadishu and then joined Al Shabaab. In the same year, he fled to Kenya, this was confirmed by Hizbul Islam Spokesman Mr Aydarus. - In 2010, Mahad Hamarow went to South Africa for migration, that's how we found out in the investigation, we were also told by Mohamed Isse and his brother Somaney who lives in Johannesburg South Africa. Full Article


President Mahad Salaad: the Only Guarantor for Galmudug's Security and Prosperity

Galmudug State is not just the geographic heart of Somalia but the quintessential soul of the Somali nation. Within Galmudug, all the major Somali clan lineages- the Hawiye, Dir, Darood and Madhibaan are represented. No other Somali region or state is home to such diverse and influential clans with such extensive historical significance in Somalia as found in the Galmudug territory. Economically, Galmudug in 2024 is set to be the first location for the offshore oil and gas that the Somali Federal Government in partnership with the Houston-based American company, Coastline Exploration have commenced work on off the Hobyo coast since 2021. Full Article


Hormuud telecom and Al-Shabaab's Strategy of Destroying Mobile Communication Masts

Hormuud's Assault on African Peacekeepers Figure 14: African Peace Keepers Hormuud launched a scorching public campaign against the Kenyan military forces in AMISOM in late August 2019. Full Article


Former Intel official stripped from NISA membership

Former Intel official stripped from NISA membership Full Article





Abiy says 'New Year' will be celebrated in Eritrea, Ethiopian Airlines to resume flights

Abiy says 'New Year' will be celebrated in Eritrea, Ethiopian Airlines to resume flights Full Article


Massive rise in Islamist militant attacks in Africa

Massive rise in Islamist militant attacks in Africa Full Article