[Topnews Sir Culus] Wariye AlCadaala oo loo diiday Visaha dal ku galka UK ["Ma ogtahay iney Xaaskiisii ka furteen AlShabaab"]

Friday April 08, 2016 - 22:44:19 in Articles by Super Admin
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    [Topnews Sir Culus] Wariye AlCadaala oo loo diiday Visaha dal ku galka UK ["Ma ogtahay iney Xaaskiisii ka furteen AlShabaab"]

    Diplomaasi ka tirsan Safaaradda Ingiriiska ee Somalia ayaa sheegay in Wariye Cabdiraxmaan AlCadaala soo weeydiistay [Visaha] dal ku galka Ingiriiska balse ay baaris dheer kadib go-aansadeen ineysan siinin.

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Diplomaasi ka tirsan Safaaradda Ingiriiska ee Somalia ayaa sheegay in Wariye Cabdiraxmaan AlCadaala soo weeydiistay [Visaha] dal ku galka Ingiriiska balse ay baaris dheer kadib go-aansadeen ineysan siinin.

Sabahaha Wariye Cabdiraxmaan AlCadaala loogu diiday Visaha dal ku galka UK ayaa lala xiriirshay kadib markii la ogaaday inuu ka tirsanaan jiray argagixisadda Al-Shabaab ,intii u dhaxeeysay 2006- 2009.Isagoo ka soo shaqeeyay Idaacadii lagu tababaray IQK Radio Quraanka Kariim ee Muqdisho.

Wariye Cabdiraxmaan Al-Cadaala oo ahaan jiray tifaftirahii Radio Shabelle ayaa lagu xasuustaa inuu maalin 10 $ ganaaxay Wariye Mohamed Bashir Hashi kadib markii uu war uu tebinaayay faahfaahinta gudaha ku yiri "Mukhtaar Roobow” halkii uu Cabdiraxman Cadaala rabay inuu ugu yeero Sheekh Mukhtar Roobow”

"Saaxiibkeey AlCadaala wuxuu igu dhahay maxaad Sheekh uga tagtay sidaas ayuuna iigu ganaaxay 10$ oo laga jartay Mushaarkeeyga,taas mar walba waan xasuustaa” ayuu yiri Mohamed Bashir Hashi oo markii dambe isaga noqday Tifaftiraha Radio Shabelle.

Wariye Cabdiraxmaan Alcadaala oo safka hore uga jiray Wariyeyaashii argagixisadda Al-Shabaab sida weyn u taageersanaay ee ka qeybqaadan jiray handadida iyo dilalka Wariyeyaasha Soomaaliyeed  wuxuu guursaday gabadh la dhalatay Sarkaal ka tirsan Al-Shabaab oo lagu magacaabi jiray Saacid Iimaam kaas oo ah ninkii uu ka biloowday dagaalkii Maxkamadaha iyo Al-Shabaab ee deganaay agagaarka Salaama ee xaafadda Baar Ubax.

Saacid oo u dhashay beesha Saleebaan  Habargidir ayaa gabadha siiyay Wariye AlCadaala laakiin markii dambe ayey isku dhaceen kadib markii AlCadaala loo diiday in loo magacaabo Madaxa Warfaafinta Al-Shabaab.

"AlCadaala wuxuu buuxin waayay sharuudihii aqoonta ee Cilmiga diiniga iyo tan maadiga ,waxaana kadib xilkaas loo magacaabay nin heeystay shahaado oo magaciisa runtaa uu yahay Cabdifitaax balse loo bixiyay Sheekh Yoonis” ayuu yiri Hassan Hanafi oo aan telefoon kula sheekeeystay isagoo ku jira Xabsiga.

Wariye Cabdiraxmaan Cadaala markii uu ka carooday Al-Shabaab ee ku biiray Wariyeyaasha mucaaradsan kadibna u wareegay Radio Muqdisho ayuu Saacid Iimaamka ka fasaqay gabadhii walaashiis oo lagu magacaabi jiray Amina ,wuxuuna markiiba ku deray nin kale oo argagixisadda Al-Shabaab ka tirsan.

Warbaahinta Waagacusub waxeey heshay Codad Wariye Al-Cadaala oo tebinaayay Barnaamijyo ka baxay Radio Shabelle ,isagoo madaxda Al-Shabaab ugu yeeri jiray Mujaahidiinta halka kuwa Dowladda uu ku sheegi jiray Murtadiin.

Sikastaba ha ahaatee,waxaa yaab in shaqsiyaadkii la shaqeeyn jiray argagixisadda maanta ka soo muuqdaan shaashadaha iyagoo iska dhigaya dimbilaawayaal ,welibana aan maalin qura Shacabka Soomaaliyeed cafis weeydiisan.

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The killer,the kidnapper of Somalia, entered in the US as a migrant

In July 2009, Mahad Ibrahim Hamarow kidnapped French officers Denis Allex and another officer who escaped from the Sahafi Hotel in Mogadishu and then joined Al Shabaab. In the same year, he fled to Kenya, this was confirmed by Hizbul Islam Spokesman Mr Aydarus. - In 2010, Mahad Hamarow went to South Africa for migration, that's how we found out in the investigation, we were also told by Mohamed Isse and his brother Somaney who lives in Johannesburg South Africa.

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The killer,the kidnapper of Somalia, entered in the US as a migrant

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