Somalia:President sacks Minister of Security

Wednesday September 14, 2016 - 01:36:49 in Articles by Super Admin
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    Somalia:President sacks Minister of Security

    Waagacusub.net -The Outgoing President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud replaced Security Minister; Interior Minister Abdirahman Odawaa have been seen in charge of the Somali capital city's security, including the streets of Hotel Peace which hosted the IG

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Waagacusub.net -The Outgoing President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud replaced Security Minister; Interior Minister Abdirahman Odawaa have been seen in charge of the Somali capital city's security, including the streets of Hotel Peace which hosted the IGAD's 28th summit.

It is not clear yet why President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud replaced Abdirisak Mohamed Omar,however, there is a doubt that he has a link with Al-Shabaab. 

You did not do anything for the city's security, therefore we are going to see how Minister Odowaa improves it, quoted President Mohamud as saying. 

Minister Omar,  the Commander of NISA General Gaafow and the Chief of the Somali Police Force Mohammed Sheikh got upset about Mohamud's remarks. 

"The President's decision endangered the lives of the participants of the IGAD's Extra-Ordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government," said an official in the Villa Somalia.  

However, the suspicion is very serious one because the Security Minister accused of having a link to Al-Shabaab financiers that run their own business. 

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