[Topnews:-] Faras Cadaha Real Oo Mar Kale Bad-baadiyay Boqortooyada , Waqtiga Geerida Ayuu Goolka Bar-bar Dhaca U Dhaliyay.

Saturday December 03, 2016 - 22:02:46 in Articles by Super Admin
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    [Topnews:-] Faras Cadaha Real Oo Mar Kale Bad-baadiyay Boqortooyada , Waqtiga Geerida Ayuu Goolka Bar-bar Dhaca U Dhaliyay.

    Kooxaha Barcelona iyo Real Madrid ayaa ku kulmay Camp Nou kulan xiiso badnaa oo ka tirsanaa La Liga, waana kulanka caalamka looga yaqaan El Clasico, labada kooxood ayaa dhibcaha ku qaybsaday halkaas, iyadoo faraska ee Real Madrid Sergio Ramos uu mark

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Kooxaha Barcelona iyo Real Madrid ayaa ku kulmay Camp Nou kulan xiiso badnaa oo ka tirsanaa La Liga, waana kulanka caalamka looga yaqaan El Clasico, labada kooxood ayaa dhibcaha ku qaybsaday halkaas, iyadoo faraska ee Real Madrid Sergio Ramos uu markale bad-baadiyey kooxdiisa.
Barcelona (4-3-3): Ter Stegen; Sergi Roberto, Pique, Mascherano, Alba; Rakitic, Busquets, Andre Gomes; Messi, Suarez, Neymar.

Kaydka: Denis, Arda, Iniesta, Cillessen, Alcacer, Digne, Umtiti.

Real Madrid(4-3-3): Navas; Carvajal, Varane, Ramos, Marcelo; Kovacic, Modric, Isco; Vazquez, Benzema, Ronaldo.

Kaydka: Pepe, Nacho, James, Casilla, Casemiro, M. Diaz, Asensio

Labada Kooxood ayaan fursado badan isku helin qeybta hore ee ciyaarta, iyagoona ciyaarayey kubaddo daafac ku dhisin.

Biloowga ciyaarta Neymar ayaa kubad fiican banaanka soo dhigay, laakiin kubaddii oo uu shuut qabadsiiyey Sergio Roberto ayaa ku dhacda daafaca Real, iyadoo Barce ku dooday inay ahady rigoore.

Real ayaa markooda helay fursad fiican, iyadoo Ronaldo kubad uu kala soo galay dhanka midig uu kasoo gamay tishootaha dhexdiisa.

Qaybta hore ee ciyaarta ayaana ahayd mid caajis badan lahayd, waxaana lugu kala nastay barbaro 0:0 ah.

Markii la isku laabtay qaybta dambe ee ciyaarta, Bracelona yaaa qaadatay qaybteeda, waxayna lasoo baxday qaab ciyaareed wayn iyadoona hawadana ka qarisay kooxda martida hayd ee Real Madrid.


Barcelona ayaa goolkeeda kowaad heshay biloowga qaybta hore, waxaana madaxa ugu dhaliyey weeraryahanka reer Uruguey ee Luis Suarez, waxayna Catalan markii ugu horaysay hogaanka ciyaarta u qabatay kulankaan.

Daqiiqadii 67-aad ee ciyaarta ayeey u muuqatay in Barce heshay goolkeeda labaad ee ciyaarta, ka dib markii Iniesta baas cajiib ah oo uu siiyey Neymar inta uu difaaca ka farsamaystay hawada ku xulay.

Daqiiqad kale ka dib Barce ayaa ku sigatay inay dhaliso goolkeeda labaad ee ciyaarta ka dib markii Neymar fursad kale ka qasaariyey.

Iniesta ayaa bixiyey baas caqibo leh isagoo doonayey in Messi kubadaas uu ku faataxaysto, laakiin weeraryahanka Argentina ayaa kubadii birta hoos mariyey.

ramos ramos1

Ka dib markii fursadihii oo dhan Barce ku qubaystay ayeey Real daqiiqadii ugu dambaysay heshay goolkeeda barbaraha, Sergio Ramos ayaana markale noqday geesiga Los Blancos isagoona madaxa ku dhaliyey goolka barbarah taas oo keentay in dhibcaha lugu qaybsadi Camn Nou.

Ugu dambayn ciyaarta ayaa kusoo dhamaatay barbaro 1:1 ah iyadoo labada kooxood sidaas min dhibic ugu kala qaateen Camp Nou, waxayna la micno tahay in Real Madrid weli lix dhibcood oo nadiif ah ka sarayso dhigeeda Barcelona hogaanka horyaalka Spain.

Xigasho: kooxda.com

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