Somalia:Read the Names of Human Traffickers in Egypt and their Backgrounds

Sunday May 01, 2016 - 02:18:54 in Articles by Super Admin
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    Somalia:Read the Names of Human Traffickers in Egypt and their Backgrounds

    Waagacusub.net - Somali human traffickers in Egypt, that involved in a boat capsize that left some 300 Somalis dead are as following:

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Waagacusub.net - Somali human traffickers in Egypt, that involved in a boat capsize that left some 300 Somalis dead are as following:

1. Hamse Abdirahman who was responsible for a boat carrying 85 people from Habaryonis and Idagalethat capsized. He hails from Idagale and he is a friend of the Egyptian human traffickers. They put their money in Dahabshiil and Mustaqbal Express and a man named Bashir Barud, who hails from Isaq sub-clan of Habar Awal is looking after it. ["Sources Somali Embassy in Egypt employers and Somali Students who where witness”. ]

2. The Second dangerous human trafficker that sent the Visas to the Somali youngsters when they were in Hargeisa, Garowe and Mogadishu is Deputy Ambassador Ilyas Sheikh Omar. He hails from Somali tribe of Tuni .

According to a Somali woman who went Egypt from Italy to bury her deceased brother, Mr Omar once denied the burial of a young Somali's body and refrigerated it so long.

3. Ahmed Mohamed Jama (Ahmed Khalif), The third man responsible for those drowned in the sea. Ahmed Khalif graduated a college in Egypt. He managed to bring dozens of Somali youngsters from Hargeisa.

He has an office in Hargeisa and he is a close relative of Mr Adani, Somaliland's information Minister who himself assists of smuggling the people.

4. The Fourth dangerous man is named Abdi Yassin Yool. He is from [Sula Madow] Habarjeclo sub-clan of Isaq and he is a reporter for the Horn Cable TV.

He is the man that put the crying mother's daughter that you have seen on the social media on the boat and he shares clan lineage with the victim's mother. The journalist's father is a clan chieftain in Somaliland.

5. The fifth man who works with Abdi Yassin Yool is called Abdi Fitah Abiid Ismail Ankar. He is from [Samane] Arab sub-clan of Isaq. This man's father is a known businessman, Ismail Ankar, the man who sells the Ankar Milk.

Yool and Ankar put in the sea 73 people whom they received money and were taken by five buses.15 people for each bus. All but eight were drowned in the sea. Anwar connects a human trafficker in Sudan, Ilkacase.

6. The sixth human trafficker is Mohamed Takal who is known this job since his stay in Sudan. Takal hails from Ogaden sub-clan of Reer Abdulle.

Takal was a shareholder and his 17 clients were all from Ogaden clan. Abdirahman America is his cashier. And he receives the money through Amal Express. The man is in the hands of Mohamed Tarawil, a man from Majeertan clan.

7. The seventh man human trafficker and who was responsible for the largest people is Abdihakin Dirie Nabadon. He hails from Majeerteen clan. A large number of his clients almost 78 were placed in custody and he is planning to escape through a boat. All the people he sent were drowned. He received the money through Amal Express and his cashier Tarawil is keeping it for him.

Somalia's Embassy to Egypt involved in the trafficking business and sends visas to people in Somalia and elsewhere pretending to be college students.

In Mogadishu, they partnered a man named Abdi Kani who receives the visas sent to him by Ilyas Sheikh Omar and Ahmed Bashir and person is charged $4500

In Hargeisa, they have their partner Abdirahman Ali, a brother-in-law of Ahmed Khalif.

The victims who drowned in the Mediterranean last week paid between $2000, $2,500 and $3,000.

Investigated By Journalist Dahir Alasow

Sources: Capsized migrant boat survivor Muhidin Hussein Muhamed : who lost his six brothers,

Witness, Diplomat ,Students and Egyptian intelligence.

Muhidon Hussei He was one of only 41 survivors -- 37 men, three women and a 3-year-old child -- from a boat believed to be carrying as many as 500 people, many of them asylum seekers from Somalia, before it capsized in the Mediterranean.

SOLDA Safety Network has launched a wider campaign aimed to prosecute the smugglers who were behind the death of hundreds of migrants who drowned in the Mediterranean Sea.

The smugglers from different nationalities have a network and base in Sudan, Egypt and Libya.

SOLDA will also sue those who commerce the human organs and removed kidneys and livers from the Somali and Eritrean migrants in Egypt and Libya.

At least 200 Somali migrants mainly teenagers have drowned in the Mediterranean as they were trying to cross illegally to Europe on 17 April 2016.

Therefore please join us in our campaign to stop the human trafficking and save migrants from risking their lives in the oceans and Sahara.

SOLDA Safety Network is committed to raise a fund for the hundreds of families who lost their live ones in the Mediterranean Sea.

Solda Safety Network

Account ING Bank

[IBAN- ]NL18INGB0006300234


Contact Person:

Mr Dahir Alasow

Tel: +31684863567

Paypal: [email protected]

Breda ,Netherlands

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