
ASOJ strongly condemns the wounding of a journalist & arresting another.

0 Visits: 7850 | Thursday April 01, 2021 - 20:44:13
ASOJ.ORG - Associated Somali Journalists (ASOJ) is deeply concerned about the escalating violence against Somali journalists in the Gedo region, particularly in Beled Hawo district on the Somali-Kenyan border where a journalist was injured by security forces and another was arbitrarily imprisoned by…

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Djibouti:Protect Jailed Air Force Pilot's Rights

0 Visits: 11295 | Friday July 03, 2020 - 05:23:11
Allow Peaceful Protests, Protect Media Freedom Djibouti's authorities should impartially investigate alleged mistreatment of a detained former air force pilot and ensure that his due process rights are respected, Human Rights Watch said today. The authorities have repressed peaceful protests that…

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Hormuud telecom and Al-Shabaab's Strategy of Destroying Mobile Communication Masts

0 Visits: 10115 | Tuesday November 19, 2019 - 12:38:03
Hormuud's Assault on African Peacekeepers Figure 14: African Peace Keepers Hormuud launched a scorching public campaign against the Kenyan military forces in AMISOM in late August 2019.

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Hormuud Telecom, Taaj Express, Salaam Bank and Dahabshiil Money Transfer directly pay taxes to Al-Shabaab.

0 Visits: 10722 | Wednesday November 13, 2019 - 03:29:35
But Al-Shabaab derives the bulk of its funding for its operations from taxing business people and most lucrative companies in Mogadishu and control of most businesses in rural Somalia. 51 -Over the years, the terrorist group has established a well-structured and oiled taxation infrastructure supported…

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Hormuud Telecom pays an estimated $200,000 every month to the Al-Shabaab

0 Visits: 8337 | Thursday November 07, 2019 - 10:51:38
"Hormuud pays an estimated $200,000 every month to the Al-Shabaab", said a former head of Amniyat and now a top official of Somali government intelligence agency tracking Al-Shabaab movements.

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Somali Prime Minister welcomes high-level Eritrean delegation in Mogadishu

0 Visits: 10448 | Tuesday August 14, 2018 - 03:53:33
Mogadishu, Somali Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire received a high-level delegation from Eritrea including foreign minister, H. E. Ahmed Saleh and adviser to President of Eritrea, Mr. Yamane Gebreab, who are on an official visit to Somalia at the invitation of President of the Somalia, H. E Mohamed…

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Ethiopian security are hunting a suspect leader of Protesters in Shashemene

0 Visits: 9749 | Monday July 09, 2018 - 16:01:58
A planned protest in Ethiopia's Oromia state has turned deadly. Scores have been killed after federal police and security forces opened fire on peaceful protesters, according to eyewitnesses and reports on social media. Hundreds of thousands took to the streets in more than 50 towns across Oromia…

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Press Release by Ministries of Information of Regional States of Federal Republic of Somalia

0 Visits: 13974 | Sunday April 22, 2018 - 05:54:33
Today, 21/04/2018, Ministers of Information of five (5) Regional States of Federal Republic of Somalia, namely Puntland, Jubbaland, SouthWest, Galmudug and Hirshabelle were invited to Multi-Stakeholders Safety of Journalists Forum in Mogadishu whereas Regional States of Somalia and Independent Journalist…

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UAE funds media "propaganda" to destabilise Turkish, Qatari development missions

0 Visits: 11100 | Monday December 04, 2017 - 08:50:37
Waagacusub.net - The operation of the UAE into Somalia has taken a new turn when the wealthy gulf country, desperately seeking to influence Somalis over the gulf crisis, came up with new strategy, by using Somali media to mount pressure on the Somali government and its main ally Turkey.

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The UN and Genocide by Starvation in Somalia

0 Visits: 14199 | Saturday November 11, 2017 - 09:18:51
According to just released information sourced from the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the FSNAU between October 2015 and April 2016, a period of only six months, upwards of 400,000 Somali's, two thirds of whom were children, died of starvation.

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Somalia:List Document retrieved from house of AlShabaab leader

0 Visits: 14499 | Monday September 11, 2017 - 10:10:33
Waagacusub.net– An American unmanned drone launched a missile attack on one of Alshabab's most cold-blooded leaders on Sunday, 30 July 2017 in southern Somalia. The drove attack killed a man, who is dubbed the cruelest terror mastermind in the Mogadishu's history.

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Somalia's army chief: Raid killed civilians, not extremists

0 Visits: 10613 | Sunday August 27, 2017 - 05:52:48
Waagacusub.net — Somalia's army chief says civilians, not extremists, were killed in a military operation Friday that both the United States and Somalia say they will investigate.

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Bariire Genocide:Names of the Farmers killed in the U.S.-Somali raid

0 Visits: 9374 | Friday August 25, 2017 - 18:58:42
Waagacusub.net - At least 10 people have been killed in an attack carried out by the Somali and U.S. forces on a farm in a small town in Lower Shabelle region on Friday morning, Garowe Online reports.

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Somalia: US Troops killed 10 civilians -Real Genocide

0 Visits: 10128 | Friday August 25, 2017 - 17:41:46
Waagacusub.net - A Somalia official says a raid by foreign and Somali forces on a farm has killed 10 civilians, including a child.

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Topnews:- Dowladda Farmaajo oo shaqaaleysiineysa Laba kun qof oo ka soo jeeda Puntland iyo Jubaland.

0 Visits: 14399 | Wednesday August 16, 2017 - 00:50:32
Waagacusub.net - Dowladda Federaalka Somalia ayaa qorsheysay in 2,000 (Laba kun) qofood oo u dhashay beelo cayiman lagu kordhiyo shaqaalaha Dowladda Federaalka iyo maamulka Gobolka Banaadir.

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Saudi Arabia has 'clear link' to UK extremism, report says

0 Visits: 6132 | Wednesday July 05, 2017 - 20:30:11
Saudi Arabia is the chief foreign promoter of Islamist extremism in the UK, a new report has claimed.

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US doesn't need Ethiopia in its war on terror in the Horn of Africa

0 Visits: 6851 | Monday May 08, 2017 - 22:19:30
Earlier this month, U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis visited the Middle East and Africa to "reaffirm key U.S. military alliances" and engage with strategic partners." Mattis only visited the tiny nation of Djibouti in the Horn of Africa where the U.S. maintains its largest military base.…

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NUSOJ condemns fresh ploy by the Ministry of Information to "undercut independent media"

0 Visits: 8432 | Sunday May 07, 2017 - 05:55:17
6 May 2017: The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) strongly condemns the fresh efforts by the Ministry of Information of Somalia to control and undercut independent media through ministry-owned strategy.

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Dutch arrest suspected Shabaab extremist

0 Visits: 5594 | Wednesday May 03, 2017 - 00:56:49
Dutch police have arrested a suspected member of the Shabaab extremist group following a tip-off from anti-terror authorities, prosecutors said on Tuesday.

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Somalia celebrates Workers' Day

0 Visits: 11349 | Monday May 01, 2017 - 16:08:59
Workers in Somalia today join the rest of the world in celebrating Workers' Day amid growing concern over their welfare as the economy continues on its downward spiral and workers are getting poverty salaries.

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Somalia:War to Defeat Al Shabab Militarily

President HSM's Proclamation to Defeat Al-Shabab by Force in Somalia To overcome the complex problems of civil war, state fragility, and underdevelopment, the Somali people supported risky political changes for a government that promotes freedom, justice, peace, and prosperity in Somalia. For example, the Islamic movements enjoyed popular support to end the brutal reigns of warlords and the military occupation of Ethiopia and establish new government.

Somalia:$17 million external support has not been channeled through the country's single treasury account

Waagacusub.net -Auditor General Mohamed Ali alias Afgoi has exposed missing millions of dollars from key departments within the Federal Government of Somalia [FGS], in what could raise questions about government expenditures. In his report, Afgoi said 25 entities and three embassies have been audited. Unsupported expenditure amounts to $9M; contracts worth $31M not registered with auditor general's office, the existence of unauthorized bank accounts outside the Treasury Single Account.

Al-qaida Share ,IBS bank Somalia launches Visa Card Payment

Waagacusub.net - IBS Bank Somalia, which is believed to have the largest amount of money, Al-Qaeda Finance Secretary Fazul Abdallah from Comoros has started issuing Visa Card Payments for the first time. Al-Shabaab's finance secretary confirmed that Mohamed Ali Warsame had $ 157 million in cash, according to Khalif Ereg, who was later bribed with $ 2 million.

UGANDA: New Cabinet Members and Ministers of State

I hereby inform the country that By virtue of the Authority given to the President of Uganda by Articles: 108(2), 108A(1), 113(1) and 114(1) of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, I hereby appoint H.E. the Vice President, Rt. Hon. Prime Minister, Honourable Cabinet Ministers and other Ministers as indicated below:

Journalists barred from covering Somali leaders' meeting

The Associated Somali Journalists is deeply concerned that journalists were today barred from covering the meeting of the leaders of the Federal Government of Somalia and Federal Member States (FMSs) as well as the Governor and Mayor of Mogadishu.

President Mahad Salaad: the Only Guarantor for Galmudug's Security and Prosperity

Galmudug State is not just the geographic heart of Somalia but the quintessential soul of the Somali nation. Within Galmudug, all the major Somali clan lineages- the Hawiye, Dir, Darood and Madhibaan are represented. No other Somali region or state is home to such diverse and influential clans with such extensive historical significance in Somalia as found in the Galmudug territory. Economically, Galmudug in 2024 is set to be the first location for the offshore oil and gas that the Somali Federal Government in partnership with the Houston-based American company, Coastline Exploration have commenced work on off the Hobyo coast since 2021. Full Article


Somalia's leader mourns death of Namibia president

Waagacusub.net - Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud on Sunday mourned the death of Namibia President Hage G. Geingob and sent condolences to the government of the African country. Full Article


Somalia's ex-president warns of risk of 'political crisis' over plans to overhaul constitution

Waagacusub.net - Somalia's former President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo on Monday warned of the risk of political crisis over plans by the incumbent President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud to overhaul the constitution. Full Article


Egyptian President says will protect Somalia against anz threat

Waagacusub.net - Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi said his country will protect Somalia against any threat in what can be described as an indirect response to recent Ethiopia's move to access the seaport of Somaliland. Full Article


Egypt Condemns Suicide Bomber Attack in Somalia

Egypt on Tuesday condemned a suicide bomber attack in Somalia that killed at least 20 soldiers. The attack took place at a training camp in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, on Monday. The al-Shabab terrorist group claimed responsibility. Full Article


Hormuud telecom and Al-Shabaab's Strategy of Destroying Mobile Communication Masts

Hormuud's Assault on African Peacekeepers Figure 14: African Peace Keepers Hormuud launched a scorching public campaign against the Kenyan military forces in AMISOM in late August 2019. Full Article


Former Intel official stripped from NISA membership

Former Intel official stripped from NISA membership Full Article





Abiy says 'New Year' will be celebrated in Eritrea, Ethiopian Airlines to resume flights

Abiy says 'New Year' will be celebrated in Eritrea, Ethiopian Airlines to resume flights Full Article


Massive rise in Islamist militant attacks in Africa

Massive rise in Islamist militant attacks in Africa Full Article