Somaliland Who Won, Who Lost The Executive Initiated Attempt Coup Against

Saturday March 01, 2014 - 00:12:32 in Articles by Super Admin
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    Somaliland Who Won, Who Lost The Executive Initiated Attempt Coup Against

    The act to buy unconscionable members as to unseat the chairman of the legislature was idiotic and unwise act, however our tradition of resolving our problems organically locally, prevailed and saved the day.

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The act to buy unconscionable members as to unseat the chairman of the legislature was idiotic and unwise act, however our tradition of resolving our problems organically locally, prevailed and saved the day.

What has happened in Somaliland legislature the other day was a national dilemma


The legislative branch was attacked by the executive using the national army to intimidate them. They did that abusively and in contempt when they kicked out the guard of the chairman of the House of Representatives off their vehicle and searched the vehicle transporting the chairman.


The army did that on the pretext that they were keeping the peace there! The matter of the fact was that the only entities which their actions and reactions incited anger and unrest were the executive branch and the Military them selves who were used by one branch of government (executive) against another branch (Parliament) It was a tragedy to lament.


As far as who won and who lost, I believe Somaliland lost. Some may say that the executive definitely lost, others my say the legislative won. I am not sure which one of these two branches of government won and which lost but I do know that the following lost:


1- Rule of law lost.

2- Democracy threw up goat’s milk!

3- The constitution lost


4- The executive lost


5- The legislature lost


6-Seperation of powers lost


7-The national army lost


8- Honesty lost


9- Decency lost

10- The revenue collected from the poor people used as to bribe and to allure more deputies to overthrow the chair of the legislature lost. In the end Somaliland lost

Aside from fighting branches of government, compromise and cool heads prevailed but on temporary bases and on the expenses of the separation of the executive and the legislative branches and on the expenses of the constitution of the Republic and the rule of law.”Xeer jajaab” replaced them and will replace the constitution from now on as it was the arbiter and the solution of the day!!

In the end of this tragedy there was a winner and that is Haji Abdi Warrabi. There was a survivor, and that is Abdirahman Iro the chairman of the legislature which so much was spent for his head!

Oh lord, save us from our selves

However peace and prayers

By Ibrahim Moh’d Mead

[email protected]

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