[Sirculus] 11 Milyan oo Dahabshiil looga qabtay Norway iyo Warbaahinta dalkaas oo toosh ku shiday

Sunday September 04, 2016 - 02:10:23 in Articles by Super Admin
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    [Sirculus] 11 Milyan oo Dahabshiil looga qabtay Norway iyo Warbaahinta dalkaas oo toosh ku shiday

    Ilaalada garoonka diyaaradaha diyaaradaha Gardermoen ayaa sheegay inay qabteen lacag ku jirto baco oo gaarayso 11 milyan, lana rabay in wadanka laga bixiyo loona diro Ingiriiska.

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Ilaalada garoonka diyaaradaha diyaaradaha Gardermoen ayaa sheegay inay qabteen lacag ku jirto baco oo gaarayso 11 milyan, lana rabay in wadanka laga bixiyo loona diro Ingiriiska.

Sida ay sheegeen booliska waxaa lacagtan lala xiriirinayaa urur soomaali ah oo lagu magacaabo Somali Remittance Service, kana shaqeeyo xawaalad. Booliska ayaa intaas ku daray in ururkan soomaalida ah hada lagu oogay dacwad ku saabsan inaysan bixin canshuur gaarayso malyan iyo dheeraad ah. 

Ilaalada garoonka diyaaradaha ayaa sheegay in lacagtan ay tahay tii ugu badneyd abid, oo ay halmar isku meel ku qabtaan. Booliska ayaa sidoo kale sheegay inay su-aal ka keeneen sababta keentay in ururkan soomaalida ah ay rabeen in lacagtan iyada oo cadaan ah wadanka ka bixiyaan, maadaama Norwey iyo Ingiriiskaba ay leeyihiin bank-system lacagaha  lagu kala dirsan karo. Arintaasna ay keentay shaki sababay in baaritaan lagu sameeyo ururkan.

Booliska ayaa sheegay in ay baaritaan ku sameeyeen goobta ay ururkan ku shaqeeyaan, iyaga oo halkaas ka helay lacago kale oo cadaan ah iyo diiwaano magacyo ah. Sidaasna ay ku ogaadeen in ururkan uu ka shaqeeyo xawaalad, isla markaana uu lacag boqolaal milyan ah u diro wadanka dibadiisa. Waxaana hada lagu soo oogay dacwad ah inaysan canshuur(skatt) ka bixin khidmada/dulsaarka  ay qaadan jireen si ay lacagahaas u diraan. 

Qareenka u doodaya ururkan Soomaalida ah oo lagu magacaabo Somali Remittance Service ayaa NRK u sheegay inuusan ku qanacsaneyn sida ay booliska wax u dhigayaan. isagoo intaas raaciyay in ururkan ay sheegeen inaysan wax lacag ah aysan ka shaqeysan jirin lacagta ay diraan, isla markaana aysan canshuur ku waajibin. isagoo intaas raaciyay in Lacagta ay ururkan diraan ay wax badan ka yartahay lacagta ay boolisku sheegayaan.  Qareenka ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in kiiskan uu yahay mid hada bilow ah, isla markaana uusan bixin karin macluumaad dheeri ah.

Warbaahinta NorSom News ayaa xiriir la sameysay Ahmed Cawad Ismaaciil oo ah gudoomiyaha shirkada dahabshiil Norwey , bal si aan u waydiino inuu faah-faahin dheeri ah naga siiyo arintan. Axmed Cawad ayaa sidoo kale  ah maamulaha ururkan lagu magacaabo Somali Remittance Service.

hqdefaultAdeer waa intaas uu lowyerkeenu sheegay. waxaan kaliya oo kuugu dari karaa  in lacagtan aysan aheyn mid sharci daro ah, oo aan wadanka tahriib ahaan uga saari rabney. Waxay ahayd lacag la yaqaan ay labo shirkadood oo internatiol ah oo ku kala yaalo labada wadan ay isu gudbinayeen. Hadey tahay lacag sharci daro ah ama tahriib, miyaan intaan shirkad kale u dhiibno, garoon caalami ah ka dhoofin laheyn. Wax dhib ah ma jiraan, waan isku kalsoonahay, waxaan qarineynana meesha ma yaalaan.

Source : 

Xigasho/kilde: NRK

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But Al-Shabaab derives the bulk of its funding for its operations from taxing business people and most lucrative companies in Mogadishu and control of most businesses in rural Somalia. 51 -Over the years, the terrorist group has established a well-structured and oiled taxation infrastructure supported by courts, road tolls, and loyal revenue payers. At the edge of the knife, the group's operatives demands that all business people and companies pay tax to its agents. Full Article


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[Daawo] Warbaahinta Kenya oo si yaab leh uga warantay guuldaradii dacwadda badda ka raacday ICJ

Kenya awaits with bated breath to know its fate regarding the disputed lucrative triangular stretch of 100,000 square Kilometers of off shore territory after Somalia filed a case at the international court of justice over its maritime border. Attorney General Professor Githu Muigai who is leading a high powered delegation has already traveled to the hague based court in the netherlands to defend Kenya's Maritime border. Depending on how the ruling turns out, Kenya either stands to gain a lot in terms of the rich minerals such as oil and gas believed to be contained in the vast area, or lose it all if the court re-draws the border towards the South East as per Somalia's assertions. Full Article


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