Topnews:- Magacyada -Qabiilada iyo Shirkadaha Ganacsato Maalgelin siiya argagixisada Al-Shabaab oo Somali iyo Sudana?

Wednesday July 16, 2014 - 17:59:10 in Articles by Super Admin
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    Topnews:- Magacyada -Qabiilada iyo Shirkadaha Ganacsato Maalgelin siiya argagixisada Al-Shabaab oo Somali iyo Sudana?

    Waagacusub.info - Dabagal lix bilood socday oo Warbaahinta Waagacusub sameeysay ayaa lagu ogaaday Ganacsato Somali iyo Sudan iskugu jira oo maalgelin siiya Argagixisada Somalia.

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Photo:Geedi Boss Company
Waagacusub.info - Dabagal lix bilood socday oo Warbaahinta Waagacusub sameeysay ayaa lagu ogaaday Ganacsato Somali iyo Sudan iskugu jira oo maalgelin siiya Argagixisada Somalia.

Ganacsatada Maalgelinta dhaqaale siiya Al-Shabaab waxaa safka hore uga jira:-

1-Mohamed Adam oo ah Milkiilaha Shirkad la yiraa Gedi Boss Trading  & Transport LTD-waxay Shirkadaan ka shaqeeysaa Kenya iyo South Sudan sidoo kale waxay alaabo geeysaa DJibouti iyo Uganda.

Milkiilaha Shirkadda Gedi Boss Mr Mohamed Adam wuxuu u dhashay qabiilka Hawiye gaar ahaan Murusade ,wuxuuna leeyahay Dukaaman iibiyo telefoonada oo ku yaal Nairobi.

2-Ali Weheliye oo ah Milkiilaha Shirkadda Himilo General Trading ,wuxuu Ali Weheliye sidoo kale isticmaalaa magaca Haji Ali Jaran.wuxuuna u dhashay qabiilka Hawiye gaar ahaan Murusade.

3-Ali Abshir Hassan oo ah Milkiilaha Shirkad la yiraa Kulmis BM ,wuxuuna u dhashay qabiilka Hawiye gaar ahaan Abgaal.

4-Mahdi Hashi Said oo ah Milkiilaha Shirkad la yiraa Wamo General Trading,wuxuu ninkaan u dhashay Hawiye gaar ahaan beesha Sheekhaal.

5- Ganacsato fadhigoodu yahay Dubai oo lagu kala magacaabo Zakariye Abdirahman Mohamed Geddi,Hassan Wiif,Abdi wiif iyo wiil uu dhalay Abdiwiif.

Ganacsatadaan oo u dhashay Hawiye gaar ahaan Abgaal waxay ku xiran yihiin Yusuf Sheekh Ciise oo loo yaqaan Kobakudukade.

Yusuf Kobakudukade oo u dhashay qabiilka Hawiye gaar ahaan Abgaal Waceeysle wuxuu ka mid yahay Saraakiisha sare ee argagixisada Al-Shabaab.

6-Muse Mohamed Ganjab oo ah Milkiilaha Shirkadda Ganjab Investments holdings oo fadhigeedu yahay South Africa.

Muse Ganjab oo heysta dhalashada Canada wuxuu ka soo jeedaa qabiilka Hawiye gaar ahaan Abgaal Waceysle,wuxuuna Al-Shabaab lacag taageero xoogan iyo qaaraan aruurin u sameeyay 2007 ilaa 2010.

7- Ismail Wardheere oo ah Maamulaha Shirkadda Alkheyraad una dhashay qabiilka Hawiye gaar ahaan Abgaal wuxuu safka hore uga jiraa ganacsatada sida weyn dhaqaalaha u siiya argagixisada Al-Shabaab wuxuuna u qaabilsanaan jiray lacag aruurinta 2006 -2013.

Argagixisada Al-Shabaab ee xasuuqa baahsan ka geystay gudaha Somalia iyo dalalka Geeska Afrika waxaa sidoo kale maalgelin lacageed siiya ganacsato u dhashay dalka Sudan oo lagu magacaabo Dr. Amar Al Sajjad.

Dr Cammaar Al-Sajaad wuxuu leeyahay taariikh dheer oo ku saabsan dhaqdhaqaaqyadii uu ka sameeyay Somalia laakiin hadii aan soo koobno waxay tahay sidaan:-

Dr. Cammaar Al-Sajaad, wuxuu dhashey 1966, wuxuu ku dhashey gobolka Jaziira ee dhaca bartamaha dalka Sudan, 

Waxbarashadiisa: Jaamacadda Khartoum Faculty of Arts ayuu ka baxey bilowgii sagaashamaadkii, ka dib wuxuu Master-kiisii ka qaatey xarunta cilmi-baarista ee Jaamacada Caalamiga ee Afrika cinwaanka buuggiisa uu ku qalin jabiyey wuxuu ahaa " kaalinta ay Suudaan ku leedahey arimaha Siyaasiyadeed iyo Bulsheed ee Soomaaliya, burburkii xukuumaddii dhexe ku dhacdey ka dib", intaas ka dib sanadkii 2011-kii isla Jaamacadda Afrika ayuu ka qaatey Darajada PhD-da oo ku saabsaneyd "Koonfedaariliyada Dawladaha Geeska Afrika".

Dr. Cammaar, wuxuu xubin sare ka ahaa Xarakada Islaamiga ah ee Suudaan, ka dib is-qabqabsigii sanadkii 1998 ka dhex dhacey Madaxweynaha dalka Suudaan Cumar Al-Bashiir iyo Dr. Xasan Al-Turaabi oo ahaa Guddoomiyaha Golaha Shacabka Suudaan, kuna dhamaadey kala qeybsanka xarakada Islaamiga ah ee Suudaan, iyo xabsiga oo la dhigey Dr.Xasan Al-turaabi, dhacdadaas ka dib, Dr. Cammaar wuxuu raacey garabkii Xasan Al-Turaabi oo ay inta badan la duubteen raggii ugu ad-adkaa xagga mabda'a, laakin wuxuu isku ekeysiiyey inuu dhexdhexaad ka yahey khilaafka dilaacey, markaasna wuxuu la shaqeynayey taliska nabadsugidda dalkaas.

Dr. Cammaar, bilowgii sanadkii labada kun wuxuu aasaastey shirkado ganacsi oo saldhig ku lahaa dalka imaaraatka, wuxuu badeecooyinka geyn jirey dalka Suudaan iyo dalalka geeska Afrika, oo ay ka mid aheyd Itoobiya, nooca ganacsigaasi wuxuu  u badnaa mid guud, oo isugu jira raashin iyo qalabka dhismaha, waxaa la aaminsan yahey in ganacsigaas ay laheyd xarakada islaamiga ee Sudan gaar ahaan garabka Dr. Turaabi oo la baxey markii la is khilaafey ka dib Al-mu'tamar Al-shacbii (Popular Congress). Soomaaliya waxaa loo badinaa in kastoo aan war badan laga heyn inta kol ee uu wax keeney in rag islaax ka tirsan ay wakiilo u ahaayeen.

Xiriirka Ka dhexeeya Asaga iyo Soomaalida:

Dr. Cammaar wuxuu isku tilmaamaa "xeel-dheere arimaha Geeska Afrika", wuxuu qaataa naaneysta " Cilmi-baare" inuu yahey, wuxuu inta badan wax ka qoraa arimaha Soomaaliya ee siyaasadda, bulshada …iwm, markii koowaad Soomaaliya wuxuu yimid sanadkii 2003-da, wuxuuna keeney farac ka mid ah Jaamacad ka mid ah kuwa dalka Suudaan ka furan oo la dhihi jirey "Jaamacadda Al-niileyn", oo xarun ka furatey ka soo horjeedka hotelka Amira, ma noqon mashruuc guuleysta, oo jaamacaddii muddo kooban gudaheedba waa fashilantey, wayna ka laalaabatey Soomaaliya. wixii markaas ka bilowdey si joogta ah ayuu Soomaaliya u soo booqan jirey, wuxuuna dhammaan tagi jirey Hargeysa, Boosaaso iyo Muqdisho, asagoo isticmaalaya magaca cilmi baaris iyo inuu qorayo buug Soomaaliya ku saabsan.

Hargeysa, Muqdisho iyo Boosaaso intaba marka uu tago wuxuu marti u noqon jirey hey'ad gargaar oo Sudani ah, oo la yiraahdo Munazzamat Al-Da'wa al-islamia, iyo saaxiibadoo ka mid ah raggii wax ku soo bartey Suudana.

bartamihii sanadihii labada kun wuxuu sidoo ku biirey in uu kula shirkoobo kooxo Soomaali oo Xarakada Islaax, garabka Damjadiidka  ah xawaalad, waxaana laga furey Khartoum, xawaaladdani waxey inta badan u adeegi jirtey dadka ka soo jeeda Suudaan iyo Koofurta Suudaan, Soomaalidu wax yar oo ka tirsanaa kooxdaas maaahane ma aysan isticmaali jirin.

Doorashooyinkii sanadkii 2009, ka dhacayey dalka Jabuuti wuu yimid inteysan dhicin ka hor, asagoo arimaha cilmi baarista ku soo hoos gabanayey, wuxuuna mid mid ula fariisanayey xildhibaanadii iyo siyaasaiyiintii kale ee Jabuuti soo buux dhaafiyey, laakin markii danbe waxaa ka war heley sirdoonka Jabuuti oo muddo 24 saac ah u qabtey inuu dalka uga baxo, wuuna ku baxey waqtigii loo xadadey.

Dr. Cammaar wuxuu leeyahey qormooyin Soomaaliya ku saabsan, oo ku qoran afka carabiga ayna u faafiso mareegta Af-carabiga ee ay leeyihiin kooxda Damjadiid, ayna uga talagaleen siyaasaadkooda ku aadan caalamka carabta in ay ka qaataan wararka Soomaaliya ku saabsan ee la yiraahdo Al-shaahid  http://arabic.alshahid.net

waxey xarunta dhexe ee mareegtaan ku taallaa magaalada London waxaana madax ka ah nin ka mid ah ragga waaweyn ee kooxda Damjadiid oo la yiraahdo Maxamed Al-Amiin Maxamed Al-haadi, waa Reer Baraawe, waana nin wax ku bartey dalka Masar afka carabigana si wanaagsan u yaqaana, wuxuu xubin ka ahaa barlamaankii Jabuuti sanadkii 2009.

Dr. Cammaar waxaa qoraaladiisa ka mid ah mid ah kuwa uu ugu magac darey : 

  1. "Soomaaliyey anigu Midgaan ayaan ahey" 2011 ayuu qorey
  2. "Curashadii Somali Land : Halgamaa C/raxmaan Tuur wuxuu u dhexeeyey Midnimo iyo Goosasho" tan wuxuu qorey markii Siilaanyo loo doortey madaxweynimada SL
  3. "Fariin ku socota Madaxweyne Shiikh Shariif" Tan wuxuu qorey markii Shariif loo doortey madaxweynimada sanadkii 2009. 
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Somalia:War to Defeat Al Shabab Militarily

President HSM's Proclamation to Defeat Al-Shabab by Force in Somalia To overcome the complex problems of civil war, state fragility, and underdevelopment, the Somali people supported risky political changes for a government that promotes freedom, justice, peace, and prosperity in Somalia. For example, the Islamic movements enjoyed popular support to end the brutal reigns of warlords and the military occupation of Ethiopia and establish new government.

Somalia:$17 million external support has not been channeled through the country's single treasury account

Waagacusub.net -Auditor General Mohamed Ali alias Afgoi has exposed missing millions of dollars from key departments within the Federal Government of Somalia [FGS], in what could raise questions about government expenditures. In his report, Afgoi said 25 entities and three embassies have been audited. Unsupported expenditure amounts to $9M; contracts worth $31M not registered with auditor general's office, the existence of unauthorized bank accounts outside the Treasury Single Account.

Al-qaida Share ,IBS bank Somalia launches Visa Card Payment

Waagacusub.net - IBS Bank Somalia, which is believed to have the largest amount of money, Al-Qaeda Finance Secretary Fazul Abdallah from Comoros has started issuing Visa Card Payments for the first time. Al-Shabaab's finance secretary confirmed that Mohamed Ali Warsame had $ 157 million in cash, according to Khalif Ereg, who was later bribed with $ 2 million.

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Waagacusub.net - Somalia's former President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo on Monday warned of the risk of political crisis over plans by the incumbent President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud to overhaul the constitution. Full Article


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Somalia:War to Defeat Al Shabab Militarily

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