The Spiritual President of Somaliland

Thursday December 05, 2013 - 20:12:25 in Articles by Dahir Alasow
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    The Spiritual President of Somaliland

    By:- Abdirizak Yusuf Ali "Terra" Chairman of Sanag Media Group, Reporter, Writer and Independent free journalist who wrote many publications and reports from different issues concerning the wellbeing of Somaliland community and for the pub

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By:- Abdirizak Yusuf Ali "Terra" Chairman of Sanag Media Group, Reporter, Writer and Independent free journalist who wrote many publications and reports from different issues concerning the wellbeing of Somaliland community and for the public interest


The spiritual president is a new book talking about the illusive political program of Kulmiye Regime.

It constitutes an extensive form of political patronage. Also included by some authorities of Somaliland including Hersi Haji Ali (the presidential minister of Somaliland) in the meaning of corruption are such practices as favoritism in the award of contracts for public works, employments or other public purposes and the expenditure of public funds to the advantage of favored individuals.

At first when the administration of Kulmiye led by the current president Hon. Ahmed Silanyo came to power, the people of Somaliland were intensely anticipating from the government to fight against corruption and to put up strong government institutions.

Some of media organizations like Horn Cable TV in Somaliland strongly opposed the political conduct of Udub regime but almost three years and half from the date that Silanyo took office, We need to ask ourselves why independent media groups are dodging to highlight the failed campaign of change.

The questions we often hear include: What are the main tangible things that Ahmed Silanyo administration contributed to Somaliland?

The answer is very easy for someone to say the government have done so and so and It is true that something was done but when someone tries to find out clearly the development reached, we need to begin from the situation where people stood before the new process and the present time . The comparison of these two periods can be seen simply the differences.

In reference with the book of Kulmiye and the prime slogans used for the election campaign, the change mentioned here was meant to end absolutely the corruptions, injustice and office abuses.

Have these goals been achieved? The answer is no but we can say that corruption, injustice at courts and power abuses still prevail in the country and have become twice the size of previous UDUB government.

The status of Somaliland tumbled internationally attributed to the fragile and the weaker Somaliland institution dealing with the national foreign policy.

The government participation in several peace conferences for Somalia was denounced by the intellectuals of Somaliland and the new opened political gates never responded the interest of Somaliland as claimed by the regime


The attitude of community fell down and the public lost confidence in Silanyo government due to corruption and tribalism and government efforts to curb these practices have been generally ineffective.


The spiritual president of Somaliland is supposed to visit Erigavo town with new tactical assignment called (the Erigavo road).


He is aim is to deceive the public eyes by making them think either that government is going to do something when Silanyo administration really has no intention of doing it.


The incumbent regime directly received millions of dollars and great deal of donations from different sources but these funds were fruitless as it happened to unsafe hands.

The corruptions is said to have originated from UDUB period in office and flourished in Somaliland regions, however the government of Silanyo failed to control the corruption because the appointments to the national services were not made on the basis of "fitness for officeā€¯ as enunciated by the president of Somaliland except for few individuals including the minister of education Marwo: Samsam Abdi Adan and the current minster of information Mr Abdulahi Dahir Akuse.



In accordance with that principle of good governance, the president had included in his first cabinet Eng. Mohamed Hashi Elmi as the minister for finance and Mr. Mohamed Nour Arrale Dur who was nominated for the minister of Interior; they were two men of outstanding ability who hated corruptions and soon after they took office, they confronted with a bunch of crooks in the cabinet of Silanyo particularly Engineer Hashi which finally resulted removal from his job.

The corruption of Somaliland became destructive as it tended to place group interests above the law and factional interests within the government above the interests of the entire community of Somaliland and as a whole, resulting in the development of powerfully entrenched figures of the government who threatened to dominate political life and divert government to the service of selfish interests.

There are many types of political corruptions existing in Somaliland but the two main examples of corruptions are cronyism and nepotism.


Cronyism refers to appointing a person into a position because of friendship and not because of his abilities or when someone important gives jobs to friends rather than to independent people who have the necessary skills and experience.


On the other hand, nepotism refers to giving certain power or position to a relative who do not have the qualification to perform his or her role.

The book will reveal and expose corruptions that some ministers of Somaliland and International NGOs workers committed and evidences showing how they used their power to influence or to get good jobs or unfair advantages for members of their own families



The evils of government corruptions will lead provoked protests and the inspired reformers including the National Dialogue Committee and the two political parties of UCID and WADANI must propose corrective measures

The parliament of Somaliland intermingled with the execution body so to whom shall we appeal?

The president established Anti Corruption Commission to help eliminate discrimination if it was reported and confirmed, where are they and what are they doing?


1.Thepresident of Somalilandmust not hide the eyes from the problems and he must put a stop to the Wrong actions doing by the spiritual president.

2.The government must accept constructive criticism of the community and the other elites ofSomaliland.


3.The president is requested to listen in his people by ignoring those near him who conceal the truth from him.


4.The National Dialogue Centre and the political parties must jointly host and call for national salvation conference if their views and needs are not heard, respected and acted upon.




Abdirisak Yusuf Ali


Founder and Chairman of SMG Erigavo

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