Kenya: Why daily nation Newspaper is becoming "car for hire"?

Wednesday March 01, 2017 - 04:30:08 in Articles by Super Admin
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    Kenya: Why daily nation Newspaper is becoming "car for hire"?

    Kenya major newspaper the Daily Nation was faulted for violating media ethics and biased reporting on an issue concerning a court case between famous investigative Somali journalist and money remittance company known as hawala, the Dahabshiil compan

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Kenya major newspaper the Daily Nation was faulted for violating media ethics and biased reporting on an issue concerning a court case between famous investigative Somali journalist and money remittance company known as hawala, the Dahabshiil company.

The newspaper inadequately quoted ambiguous sources aimed to undermine the effort of an  investigative journalist, Dahir Alasow, who was seriously looking into  the links between terrorism and funds sent to war  torn country of East Africa , Somalia.

Alasow was following the principal financial source of Somali terrorist group of Al Shabab which had ties to Alqeada and recently founded  splinter group allied to ISIS.

The newspaper which reported like an advocacy paper of Dahabshiil failed to speak to Alasow so he could provide his version of the story.

"Alasow is committed to fight terrorism in all it forms and he was threatened to be killed by Shabab , said Ismail Abbas Abdullahi, a Mogadishu based anti terror personality.

"But he wasn't morally affected by the intimidation of terrorist and those allied to them," Abdullahi said.

A Somalia's media advocacy group, Association of Somali Journalists (ASOJ) condemned the Daily Nation for siding against the investigative journalist who is fighting for the pacification of Somalia and the whole East Africa. 

"The Daily Nation article about the on going court case in Netherlands was fictitious and contrary to what has been ruled by the court," ASOJ said in statement. 

"The court gave the journalist the right to pursue his aim and Kenyan newspaper failed to mention that vital point," ASOJ also said.

Security experts in many countries associate terror and  money remittance, several such service has been interrupted or completely shut down around the world. 

Journalist Alasow fought terror funds in Somalia and his investigation into the conduct of Dahabshiil was part of his effort to dry the coffers of Shabab.

"Nothing personal about Dahabshiil," Alasow said.

"I will issue my report unbiasedly," he said.

He added that "I was astonished by the report of the Daily Nation, none of the article was factual."

Several Somali journalists condemned the daily nation and blamed "corruption for the faulty report."

They said that the Kenyan press specially the Daily Nation discredited itself in the eyes of East African readers.  

Aden Hassan

Nairobi, Kenya

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