NUSOJ Holds Fundraising Event in Zurich, Switzerland

Monday June 04, 2018 - 11:20:07 in Articles by Super Admin
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    NUSOJ Holds Fundraising Event in Zurich, Switzerland


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June 4, 2018 

National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) is holding fund-raising occurrences to fund its core activities of journalism training and providing support to young aspiring journalism practitioners. 

In light of the visit of Mr Mohamed Ibrahim Moalimuu, Secretary General of NUSOJ, in Switzerland, journalists, well-wishers and wider Somali community in Switzerland and Germany are pleasantly invited to attend and financially contribute to these key fundraising undertakings: 

Wednesday, 6 June 2018: NUSOJ Holds Fundraising Event in Zurich, Switzerland 

Friday, 8 June 2018: NUSOJ Holds Fundraising Event in Munich, Germany 

Key speakers: Mohamed Ibrahim Moalimuu, NUSOJ Secretary General, and key Somali community leaders in Switzerland and Germany. 

For more information, please contact Mohamed Ibrahim Moalimuu through 

Email: - [email protected]

Twitter: @NUSOJ_Somalia 

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