Accounts with links to terrorism frozen-Dahabshiil Money transfer

Wednesday April 08, 2015 - 23:15:49 in Articles by Super Admin
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    Accounts with links to terrorism frozen-Dahabshiil Money transfer

    Nairobi, Kenya: Kenya froze accounts linked to suspected terror supporters after militants massacred 148 people last week at the Garissa University.

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Nairobi, Kenya: Kenya froze accounts linked to suspected terror supporters after militants massacred 148 people last week at the Garissa University.  Inspector General of police Joseph Boinnet gazzetted 85 names of people and organisations linked to terrorism citing section III of the President of Terrorism Act 2012, which declares them as a specified entity. "In accordance with subsection II of section III of the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2012, the Inspector General of police notifies the entities set out in the attached list to demonstrate within the next 24 hours why it should not be declared as a specified entity,” said Boinnet in the notice dated April 4. 
The organisations include Haki Africa, Muhuri, Agency for Peace and Development, main buses operating North Eastern routes G. Coach, Sabrin Bus Services Limited, E Coach Company and wanted Mohamed Kuno aka Gamadheere. The inclusion of some of the organisations in the list is likely to cause uproar but officials said the decision was final and was arrived at after wide consultations. Treasury Principal Secretary Kamau Thuge said they had also notified owners of 13 Somali remittance companies whose licenses had been suspended following the massacre. "We did this based on our laws and international laws after it emerged they are financing terrorism. Those affected have been informed,” said Thuge. They are Dahabshill Money Transfer Limited, Juba Express Money Transfer Limited, Amal Express Money Transfer, Amana Money Transfer Limited, Continental Money Transfer Limited, Bakaal Express Money Transfer and Flex Money Transfer Limited. Others include Hodan Global Money Remittance and Exchange Limited, Iftin Express Money Transfer Limited, Kaah Express Money Transfer,  Kendy Money Transfer Limited, Tawakal Money Transfer Limited and UAE Exchange Money Remittance Limited. At a press conference at Harambee House, 11 Cabinet Secretaries said the closure of the remittance companies was part of efforts to tame terrorism in the country. "These wide-ranging efforts include the freezing of all accounts suspected to have links to the masterminds of the terrorist attack. Members of the public should also be more vigilant to help forestall any acts of terrorism or security breaches,” they said in the statement read by defence CS Raychael Omamo. In Nairobi, some of the affected entities put notices on their entries apologising to their customers for the closure. "Dear esteemed customers, we regret to inform you that we are closed for business until further notice. We apologise for the inconvenience caused,” read a notice at the Dahabshill Money Transfer Limited along Standard Street, Nairobi. All those affected are in Nairobi and were used to transfer money from other parts of the world to Somalia. Reports said Somalia’s central bank governor, Bashir Issa Ali had said the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) had notified officially 13 Somali remittance companies about the closure of accounts. He said the move would have a devastating impact on Kenya’s Somali community. "It’s going to hurt Somalis in Kenya more than Somalis in Somalia. The amount of money sent from abroad to Kenya is huge,” Ali said, pointing out that many Somalis in Kenya rely on relatives abroad to pay for basic expenses, including school fees. At the press conference yesterday, the Cabinet Secretaries said the government is committed to fighting terorrism and ensure security for all. The briefing was attended by Rachael Omamo (Defense), James Macharia (Health), Attorney General Githu Muigai, Fred Matiangi (Information), Ali Wario (Sports), Phylis Kandie (Tourism), Anne Waiguru (Devolution), Amina Mohamed (Foreign Affairs), Jacob Kaimenyi (Education), Najib Balala (Mining) and Head of Civil Service Joseph Kinyua. Omamo said 28 people are still admitted in various hospitals after the attack last Thursday. She said 123 of the 142 students were killed in their dormitories while the rest were shot dead as they escaped from the killers. Among those who died include 65 female and 77 male students. 128 bodies had by last evening been identified and efforts to identify the others were ongoing. Source:Standarmedia
Read more at: https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2000157696/accounts-with-links-to-terrorism-frozen
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