Thursday January 09, 2014 - 12:40:43 in Daily News by Dahir Alasow
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    After few months all Elders from Somaliland had met in Berbers,and started the first reconciliation meeting that held inthat town,between all clans lived in all regions and towns from Somaliland on late of Feb 1991(Former of British Protectorate)but

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After few months all Elders from Somaliland had met in Berbers,and started the first reconciliation meeting that held inthat town,between all clans lived in all regions and towns from Somaliland on late of Feb 1991(Former of British Protectorate)but on May 1991.)

To: World Bank  all around the world.

CC.Websites to Awdal,Hargeisa and Mogadishu

US AID [email protected]


Dears Colleagues,

After the collapsed the former National government on Jan 1991,all Social economic or infrastructure had been ruined by the long civil wars all clans were fleeing the  capital of Mogadishu on early of that year,and every clan went to their Villages,Towns and regions, and capital seemed empty some how or other  few months later.

After few months all Elders from Somaliland had met in Berbers,and started the first reconciliation meeting that held inthat town,between all clans lived in all regions and towns from Somaliland on late of Feb 1991(Former of British Protectorate)but on May 1991.) all intellectuals ,Elders and former Military Officials were invited to participate the deeply corncering meetings and to find the better solution that will reconcile the self-determination, but finally they agreed  and declaredself-declared independent of Somaliland on May 1991,  few months later when Abdurrahman Ahmed Ali was chosen as first president  and Hassan IssaJamawho became the vice and those who are the same clan.Then few days after they nominated all members of ministries and institutions like  Ministries ,parliamentarians,Elders, Banks,Military and Police Officials Nominated into One Clan ,while Other Clans were extremely astonished an  unexpected things that all government  institutions of  importantpositions taken by the central clan of Isak,then all corner clans started to refuse how something is going, particularly in Gadabursi who lives from Gebelay to Djibouti and Darod from Ainabonear Burao till ,Sanagand Sool regions were eagerly refused and nomination of high selection of Government Officials etc.That is why the intellectuals from corners regions started and established Awdal and KhatumoStates,for good exmaple the last meeting that held in Istanbul inTurkey(Between Soma,I,and and Somalia),then Turkey Officials asked the  president  Ahmed Silanyowhere the  other Somaliland Clans like GADABURSI AND Dhulbahante/Wersengeli of Darod??? He did not find what to answer.

we are  indicating herewith that World Bank had resealed two rounds  to invest the all Private Business and enterprise sectors in  Somaliland in order to create  economic growththrough out Somaliland, (Missing for  a long time of  Somali Development Bank which was covering all those needs).We are seriously  certifying  that the two rounds you were released ,and applied on Round One over 1700 applicants ,then  ,59 persons were won on short lists and only 4 persons receivedout of that grant, you can’t  image how something  is going!!!

On the other handOur people were expecting that the World Bank Officials particularly the expectorates to change something and will takelessons  thatthey  leant from  Round One and unfortunately on Second Round  2114 Applicants had also applied and fulfilled Concept Note of the World Bank,,but the second round also become worst than the pervious ,hence over 160 persons were won the short lists that both small and large grants, and now it became things fall apart. 3 personsofGdabursi that reveived out of 160 winners  it is miracle events,.andyou intentionally did what you want( Somali staff.) both Two rounds nearly  0.001%  Succeeded on Short list by Gadabursi in Awdal,Wajale and Gebilay  the donation from people of America into One Clan.

Obviuoslywe are here by justifying  how the Somali staff corrupted the world bank and investment became ISAK BUSINESS FUND,(They lost the Impartiality and Neutrality of your policy (World Bank.) Are you blind oryou  know intentionally???

for instance Wajale and Gebilay are under Hargeisaregion,Gadabursi is 2/3 of those towns  .Then all private sectors received  and given direct into IBF,and ignores the Majority people.

Here is another sample is shown here only one person had applied to large grant in Qabri-bahar irrigation farms which consists over 180 farmers over 140 kms North/East of Boramaor  70kms from Lughaya on the Red Seaonly one guy having one farm in that zone that  applied the IBF and received both 2 rounds because he trusts knows the Staff,while all other farmers of that area were ignored and wondered how corruption is going.

the World bank provided 2.2 Million $ on round One that means  only $90,000 received all Awdal,butGebilay and wajale got Nothing.

 Round two 0ver 8 Million $ had granted ,therefore  only 3 persons received from Awdal Region,while Gebilay and Wajale(Gadabursi) still astonished under zero funds as usual while their neighbors receive the good amount of Grants. So that I say loud and clear voice to concerning and international Communities to review back where is your donations or funds are going for??

USAID is now released It’s second round we don’t know where the first Round is gone?? please take a good lesson how to World Bank’s Funds had corrupted        !!!!

Last but not least,when we still wonder why don’t SBF put the short  list of successful grants in to their website on Round 2,as usual,that is why what  we suspected to your un fair and injustice selections,and no way to apply for Round 3, I don’t think so that our people is  ready to apply because waste hours destroy your live,we have done more affort and time and our results became zero,So if and if  you only to follow these following steps or comments may be we resume again to your applicants.

  • If world bank wants to continueCreating  the economic growth in all Somali people you should take these step.
  • You Should and Could Change some to your current policy
  • 3-You have to mix the Somali staff into different clans.
  • You have to keep to your impartiality and neutrality amoung Somali people
  • -If world bank wants to Create the economic growth in all Somali people you should take these steps.
  • For instance if 150 applicants  that you allocated to give and will be short listed for Round 3 that means you have to divide into 6 regions that is to say 25 top applicants will be submitted for each region/As Crude//that is the only solution that you can give your grants in to all regions.


Ahmed Awaleh Gadeed/Awliyo  Ziela town.

                                                                 [email protected]

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