Ciidankaan afduubka geeystay oo ahaay ilaaladda gaarka ah ee Ra’isulwasaare ku xigeenka Somalia Mohamed Omar Carte waxaa watay nin lagu magacaabo Gaashaanle Diiriye oo u dhashay beesha Isaaq hasse yeeshee waxeey ka tirsanaayeen Ciidanka xooga dalka Somalia.
Xeer ilaaliyaha Ciidanka Xooga dalka Somalia ayaa Waagacusub u sheegay in Askartii afduubka geeystay iyo Sarkaalkii watayna la horgeyn doono Maxkamad ,lana xiray dhamaantood.
Ra’isulwasaare Cumar Cabdirashiid ayaa si sahlan Ciidanka NISA ugu eedeeyay iney ahaayeen kuwa afduubka geeystay laakiin markii dambe ayaa la ogaaday iney ilaaladda xafiiskiisa ka tirsanaayeen.
Sikastaba ha ahaatee, Wasiirka Warfaafinta Somalia Mohamed Hayir Maareeye ayaa ku ceeboobay falkaan foosha xun ee lagu afduubtay Suldaankii beeshiisa.
Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa Nabad Sugida Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya ayaa maanta Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Magaalada Baydhabo ku Xayirey Xildhibaano ka mid ah Baarlamaanka Maamulka Koonfur Galbeed kuwaasi oo ka Tagay Magaalada Muqdisho. Full Article
Warbaahinta Waagacusub ayaa heshay tiro Wasiiro ah oo seefta xilka qaadista haleeshay iyo kuwa cusub ee lagu bedelay xilalka laga qaaday ,waxeeyna kala yihiin sidaan inta la xaqiijiyay. Full Article
Dawladda Itoobiya ayaa ku wareejinaysa Raiisul Wasaare Xasan Cali Khayre Maxaabiis Soomaali ah oo tiradoodu gaarayso 120 Maxbuus, kuwaas oo ku xirnaa Xabsiyo ku yaala Dalkeeda, loona haystay Dambiyo ay ka mid yihiin Aragixisanimo. Full Article - Liiskii ugu yaabka badnaay ee ay ka soo dhexmuuqdeen gabdho Saaxiibo la ah Wasiiradda iyo Gudoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir ayaa soo baxay. Full Article
DAWLADDA FARMAAJO OO KAMID NOQOTAY MAAMUL GOBOLEEDYADA. SHAQADA XILDHIBAANADA IYO SENATORS -KANA MEEL UGA DHACDAY! - Shirkii Qeybsiga Kaluunka Tunada Badweynta Hindiya oo u dhaxeeyey wasiiradda Kaluumeysiga Maamul Goboleedyada iyo dowladda Dhexe oo Guuldarro ku soo dhamaaday! Full Article - Ciidanka Nabadsugidda iyo Sirdoonka Gobolka Banaadir ayaa maanta ku guuleeystay inuu toogasho ku dilo laba Sarkaal oo Al-Shabaab ka tirsan xilli ay qorsheeynayeen iney hoobiyeyaal ku garaacaan Garoonka Muqdisho iyo Xarunta Xalane,sida ay xaqiijiyeen Saraakiisha NISA. Full Article
Wasiiru dowlaha Madaxtooyadda Somalia Xildhibaan Mahad Salaad oo si geesinimo leh u garbaashay Farmaajo iyo fadeexadda hareeyay ,isagoo sheegay in Xildhibaanaduna sugayaan dhamaantood Wasiiro oo aysan kaba hadli karin xadgudubyadda sii kordhaya. Full Article - Dadkii Sucuudigu Marin biyoodka Baabal-mandabka Ku duqeeyey waxay u badnaayeen kuwo u dhashay Burco iyo laascanod ,Hargeysa dhawr qof ayaa kaga jira. Full Article - Warbixin lagu faafiyey baraha Al shabaab ku leeyihiin Internetka ayaa lagu sheegay magacyada la dilay iyo goobaha kale ee la weeraryay inkastoo aysan si rasmi ah u sheegan dilalka qaar in ay masuuliyada iyaga leeyihiin Full Article
Dutch police detained Turkish Family and Social Affairs Minister Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya on late Saturday to deport her to Germany after declaring her "undesirable alien." TV video showed the standoff between the ministerial convoy and the Rotterdam police, which was translated between an officer and the minister. After being told to return with her convoy, Kaya retorted sharply, saying "I will go to the consulate building. That is a building belonging to my country and I am a minister of that country." She continued that "there is no such international practice. I don't accept that decision, I reject it and I won't return to Germany." Close to the consulate, a protest of about thousands of Turkish demonstrators continued despite Dutch police used guard dogs and batons to disperse the crowd. On Saturday, Dutch government canceled Turkish foreign minister's flight permit and blocked family minister's convoy from entering the Turkish consulate in Rotterdam. The ministers were due to meet Turkish society ahead of April 16 referendum which will see a constitutional amendment. Turkish foreign ministry asked duty-off Dutch ambassador in Ankara who was on leave not to return 'for a while'. Dutch police dispersed Turkish citizens who took to the streets to protest police's treatment of Turkish family minister. In Turkey, hundreds of people flocked to Dutch missions in Ankara and Istanbul to protest the Dutch government's moves. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan described the move as a measure by "Nazi remnants and fascists". Full Article
Somalia's government on Sunday accused Ethiopia of smuggling arms into the country for the fourth time this year, further alleging its involvement in supporting regional officials, subject to court warrants and actively pursued, in efforts to destabilize the nation.
Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Jubaland leader Ahmed Madobe, previously allies in the nation's political landscape, now find themselves on the brink of war after a divisive National Consultative Council meeting revealed profound rifts, prompting both sides to mobilize for a possible showdown.
In July 2009, Mahad Ibrahim Hamarow kidnapped French officers Denis Allex and another officer who escaped from the Sahafi Hotel in Mogadishu and then joined Al Shabaab. In the same year, he fled to Kenya, this was confirmed by Hizbul Islam Spokesman Mr Aydarus. - In 2010, Mahad Hamarow went to South Africa for migration, that's how we found out in the investigation, we were also told by Mohamed Isse and his brother Somaney who lives in Johannesburg South Africa.
President HSM's Proclamation to Defeat Al-Shabab by Force in Somalia To overcome the complex problems of civil war, state fragility, and underdevelopment, the Somali people supported risky political changes for a government that promotes freedom, justice, peace, and prosperity in Somalia. For example, the Islamic movements enjoyed popular support to end the brutal reigns of warlords and the military occupation of Ethiopia and establish new government. -Auditor General Mohamed Ali alias Afgoi has exposed missing millions of dollars from key departments within the Federal Government of Somalia [FGS], in what could raise questions about government expenditures. In his report, Afgoi said 25 entities and three embassies have been audited. Unsupported expenditure amounts to $9M; contracts worth $31M not registered with auditor general's office, the existence of unauthorized bank accounts outside the Treasury Single Account. Somalia's army and Jubaland forces are teetering on the edge of conflict, as the military buildup intensifies daily and tensions show no signs of de-escalating, Caasimada Online news website reported on Monday. Full Article
Somalia's government on Sunday accused Ethiopia of smuggling arms into the country for the fourth time this year, further alleging its involvement in supporting regional officials, subject to court warrants and actively pursued, in efforts to destabilize the nation. Full Article
Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Jubaland leader Ahmed Madobe, previously allies in the nation's political landscape, now find themselves on the brink of war after a divisive National Consultative Council meeting revealed profound rifts, prompting both sides to mobilize for a possible showdown. Full Article
In July 2009, Mahad Ibrahim Hamarow kidnapped French officers Denis Allex and another officer who escaped from the Sahafi Hotel in Mogadishu and then joined Al Shabaab. In the same year, he fled to Kenya, this was confirmed by Hizbul Islam Spokesman Mr Aydarus. - In 2010, Mahad Hamarow went to South Africa for migration, that's how we found out in the investigation, we were also told by Mohamed Isse and his brother Somaney who lives in Johannesburg South Africa. Full Article
Galmudug State is not just the geographic heart of Somalia but the quintessential soul of the Somali nation. Within Galmudug, all the major Somali clan lineages- the Hawiye, Dir, Darood and Madhibaan are represented. No other Somali region or state is home to such diverse and influential clans with such extensive historical significance in Somalia as found in the Galmudug territory. Economically, Galmudug in 2024 is set to be the first location for the offshore oil and gas that the Somali Federal Government in partnership with the Houston-based American company, Coastline Exploration have commenced work on off the Hobyo coast since 2021. Full Article
Hormuud's Assault on African Peacekeepers Figure 14: African Peace Keepers Hormuud launched a scorching public campaign against the Kenyan military forces in AMISOM in late August 2019. Full Article
Former Intel official stripped from NISA membership Full Article
Abiy says 'New Year' will be celebrated in Eritrea, Ethiopian Airlines to resume flights Full Article
Massive rise in Islamist militant attacks in Africa Full Article
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