Somali News

Topnews:-Muse Biixi iyo Ganacsadaha Mucaaradka Jibouti oo wada hadal u furmay

0 Visits: 0 | Monday February 29, 2016 - 05:00:33
Topnews:-Muse Biixi iyo Ganacsadaha Mucaaradka Jibouti oo wada hadal u furmay.

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[DHAGEYSO] GAAS:- "Beesheyda Majeerteen Waxey ka Heshay Dowladii"

0 Visits: 0 | Monday February 29, 2016 - 04:40:34

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[Daawo] furashadda cusub -Fursadfund iyo raggii qaraxyadda Xamar abaabulay

0 Visits: 0 | Monday February 29, 2016 - 03:01:13
News Waagacusub Tv

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Dhageyso Wasiirka amniga oo si yaab badan uga hadlay xasuuqii Hotel SYL iyo Beerta Nabadda

0 Visits: 0 | Monday February 29, 2016 - 00:30:25
Dhageyso Wasiirka amniga oo si yaab badan uga hadlay xasuuqii Hotel SYL iyo Beerta Nabadda

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Dhageyso Wariye Afrika oo tegay goobtii qaraxyadu ka dhaceen oo ceelal biyo ka dilaaceen

0 Visits: 0 | Sunday February 28, 2016 - 23:17:45
Dhageyso Wariye Afrika oo tegay goobtii qaraxyadu ka dhaceen oo ceelal biyo ka dilaaceen

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Daawo:- Muqaal laga sameeyay Dhibaatada Somaalida Mareykanka

0 Visits: 0 | Sunday February 28, 2016 - 17:33:19
Daawo:- Muqaal laga sameeyay Dhibaatada Somaalida Mareykanka

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Daawo Video sir culus - Baabuurtii lagu qarxiyay SYL iyo Beerta Nabadda iyo Ganacsatadii lahaay -Taarikadda

0 Visits: 0 | Sunday February 28, 2016 - 17:30:22
Daawo Video sir culus - Baabuurtii lagu qarxiyay SYL iyo Beerta Nabadda iyo Ganacsatadii lahaay -Taarikadda

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Daawo Madaxdii Somalia oo dastuurkii si cad u jibiyay iyo Shirib lagu cabiray

0 Visits: 0 | Sunday February 28, 2016 - 17:24:43
Daawo Madaxdii Somalia oo dastuurkii si cad u jibiyay iyo Shirib lagu cabiray

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[Topnews]:-Somaliland oo taliye ka dhigtay Ninkii qarxiyay Hargeysa "Khaarijinta Garaadka iyo Prof Galeydh"

3 Visits: 16037 | Saturday February 27, 2016 - 06:55:45
Waagacusub.net - Sarkaalkii abaabulay weeraradii lagu qaaday Hargeysa 29 October 2008 oo ka tirsan Saraakiisha Amniyaatka Al-Shabaab ayaa markii ugu horeeysay dib ugu laabtay Caasimadda Somaliland kadib markii xil taliye Ciidan loo magacaabay.

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[Wardegdega]: Ilaaladda Wasiirka amniga oo gudbiyay gaarigii isku qarxiyay -Xaqiiqada

2 Visits: 28242 | Friday February 26, 2016 - 20:41:42
Waagacusub.net - Laba daqiiqo kadib markii baabuur isku miidaamiyay albaabka Hotel Syl Muqdisho ayuu gilgilay qarax labaad oo dhawaaqiisu ka xoog badan yahay kii hore.

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[Wardegdega]:Daawo Baabuur qarax laga buuxiyay oo isku miidaamiyay Beerta Nabadda Muqdisho iyo qarax labaad oo ka gilgilay

2 Visits: 24471 | Friday February 26, 2016 - 20:29:31
Waagacusub.net - Baabuur walxaha qarxa laga buuxiyay ayaa goor dhaweeyd isku miidaamiyay goob loo dalxiis tago oo lagu magacaabo Beerta Nabadda taas oo ku taal dhabarka dambe ee Hotel SYL .

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Daawo:-Kenya oo sheegtay inuu Al-Shabaab yahay Madaxweynaha Somalia

0 Visits: 0 | Friday February 26, 2016 - 00:57:14
Daawo:-Kenya oo sheegtay inuu Al-Shabaab yahay Madaxweynaha Somalia

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[Topnews]:Mowqifka NUSOJ ee Guddiga Xalinta Khilaafaadka Saxaafada - "guddi beenaad"

1 Visits: 3331 | Thursday February 25, 2016 - 21:11:02
Hogaanka NUSOJ ee sharciga ah waxaa u cadaatay in ay jirto khiyaano iyo hoosaasin. Waxaa nasiib daro weyn ah in lagu hanjabo in sharciga saxaafadda dalka, gaar ahaan qodobadiisa wax caburiya, loo adeegsanayo suxufiyiinta diida in ay u hogaan samaan qoor qabadka hadda socda.

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[Daawo] Saxaafiyad Ajnabiya oo ceebeysay Madaxweyne Garguurte " Wuxuu sheegay oo dhan waa been anigaa Xamar ka imid"

1 Visits: 18650 | Thursday February 25, 2016 - 07:06:38
Waagacusub.net - Leaders meeting in Istanbul to discuss Somalia's future, Zeina Awad reports

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[Daawo Video] Dahir Alasow soo bandhigay - Dahabshiil lugteey ku leedahay Argagixisadda iyo Siyaasadda Somalia

0 Visits: 22211 | Thursday February 25, 2016 - 05:14:13
Daawo Dahir Alasow oo soo bandhigay dukumiinti ka marqaati kacaya Sideey hoowlwadeenadda iyo milkiilaha Dahabshiil ugu milmeen argagixisadda iyo siyaasadda Somalia.

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[Daawo Video] Madaxweyne Garguurte oo su-aalo lagu garaacay -Sajuudii Kenya -Xasuuqii Liido iyo Duqeeyntii Ceelcadde

1 Visits: 7040 | Thursday February 25, 2016 - 04:47:03
Waagacusub.net - Suxufiyiin ka socday Somalicable Tv iyo Universal Tv ayaa su-aalo ku garaacay Madaxweyne Garguurte ,iyadoo muuqaalkiisa isbedelay.

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Sir Culus - Qaraxii Daallo oo Somaliland galay-cadeeyn ?

1 Visits: 8591 | Thursday February 25, 2016 - 04:43:09
Baaris madaxbanaan oo Warbaahinta Waagacusub iyo Khubaro Mareykan ah ku sameeyeen qaraxii lala beegsaday Daallo Airlines ayaa shaaca ka qaaday ninka qaraxa geeystay halkii laga soo diray,halkii uu baasaboorka uu watay ka goostay,halka looga soo jaray Ticket-ka uu watay,dalalkii ugu qornaa inuu booqdo,cidda…

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Somalia:War to Defeat Al Shabab Militarily

President HSM's Proclamation to Defeat Al-Shabab by Force in Somalia To overcome the complex problems of civil war, state fragility, and underdevelopment, the Somali people supported risky political changes for a government that promotes freedom, justice, peace, and prosperity in Somalia. For example, the Islamic movements enjoyed popular support to end the brutal reigns of warlords and the military occupation of Ethiopia and establish new government.

Somalia:$17 million external support has not been channeled through the country's single treasury account

Waagacusub.net -Auditor General Mohamed Ali alias Afgoi has exposed missing millions of dollars from key departments within the Federal Government of Somalia [FGS], in what could raise questions about government expenditures. In his report, Afgoi said 25 entities and three embassies have been audited. Unsupported expenditure amounts to $9M; contracts worth $31M not registered with auditor general's office, the existence of unauthorized bank accounts outside the Treasury Single Account.

Al-qaida Share ,IBS bank Somalia launches Visa Card Payment

Waagacusub.net - IBS Bank Somalia, which is believed to have the largest amount of money, Al-Qaeda Finance Secretary Fazul Abdallah from Comoros has started issuing Visa Card Payments for the first time. Al-Shabaab's finance secretary confirmed that Mohamed Ali Warsame had $ 157 million in cash, according to Khalif Ereg, who was later bribed with $ 2 million.

UGANDA: New Cabinet Members and Ministers of State

I hereby inform the country that By virtue of the Authority given to the President of Uganda by Articles: 108(2), 108A(1), 113(1) and 114(1) of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, I hereby appoint H.E. the Vice President, Rt. Hon. Prime Minister, Honourable Cabinet Ministers and other Ministers as indicated below:

Journalists barred from covering Somali leaders' meeting

The Associated Somali Journalists is deeply concerned that journalists were today barred from covering the meeting of the leaders of the Federal Government of Somalia and Federal Member States (FMSs) as well as the Governor and Mayor of Mogadishu.

President Mahad Salaad: the Only Guarantor for Galmudug's Security and Prosperity

Galmudug State is not just the geographic heart of Somalia but the quintessential soul of the Somali nation. Within Galmudug, all the major Somali clan lineages- the Hawiye, Dir, Darood and Madhibaan are represented. No other Somali region or state is home to such diverse and influential clans with such extensive historical significance in Somalia as found in the Galmudug territory. Economically, Galmudug in 2024 is set to be the first location for the offshore oil and gas that the Somali Federal Government in partnership with the Houston-based American company, Coastline Exploration have commenced work on off the Hobyo coast since 2021. Full Article


Somalia's leader mourns death of Namibia president

Waagacusub.net - Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud on Sunday mourned the death of Namibia President Hage G. Geingob and sent condolences to the government of the African country. Full Article


Somalia's ex-president warns of risk of 'political crisis' over plans to overhaul constitution

Waagacusub.net - Somalia's former President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo on Monday warned of the risk of political crisis over plans by the incumbent President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud to overhaul the constitution. Full Article


Egyptian President says will protect Somalia against anz threat

Waagacusub.net - Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi said his country will protect Somalia against any threat in what can be described as an indirect response to recent Ethiopia's move to access the seaport of Somaliland. Full Article


Egypt Condemns Suicide Bomber Attack in Somalia

Egypt on Tuesday condemned a suicide bomber attack in Somalia that killed at least 20 soldiers. The attack took place at a training camp in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, on Monday. The al-Shabab terrorist group claimed responsibility. Full Article


Hormuud telecom and Al-Shabaab's Strategy of Destroying Mobile Communication Masts

Hormuud's Assault on African Peacekeepers Figure 14: African Peace Keepers Hormuud launched a scorching public campaign against the Kenyan military forces in AMISOM in late August 2019. Full Article


Former Intel official stripped from NISA membership

Former Intel official stripped from NISA membership Full Article





Abiy says 'New Year' will be celebrated in Eritrea, Ethiopian Airlines to resume flights

Abiy says 'New Year' will be celebrated in Eritrea, Ethiopian Airlines to resume flights Full Article


Massive rise in Islamist militant attacks in Africa

Massive rise in Islamist militant attacks in Africa Full Article