Special Reports

Somalia: The forgotten shipwreck -500 people on this boat to be murder

0 Visits: 11070 | Friday December 09, 2016 - 04:38:38
The single biggest loss of life in the Mediterranean this year shows how authorities in Europe and elsewhere routinely allow those behind migrant deaths to get away with it.

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Three Somali journalists on Lesbos hope for the best — asylum in Europe

0 Visits: 6105 | Thursday December 08, 2016 - 03:18:54
Journalists aren't allowed inside Moria refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos. So, I probably never would have met Kamal Hassan if it hadn't been for the fire.

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0 Visits: 3797 | Sunday November 27, 2016 - 10:06:15
The SURPLUS corruption behaviour defintely reached the appex level in Somalia this century in history as the world backing Somalian government initiated indirect official federal elections which earlier and a short while called (The Indirect Elections).

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0 Visits: 12782 | Monday September 26, 2016 - 10:36:31
ICJ Decision: The ICJ will begin its deliberations concerning the delimitation of the maritime boundary between Somalia and Kenya

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0 Visits: 7777 | Monday September 05, 2016 - 01:50:56
#Somalia: 30 journalists killed, 120 media workers arbitrarily detained. We urge Somalia to fully investigate all violations of the right to freedom of expression. Attacks have a deeply corrosive impact on democracy, with profoundly negative repercussions on freedom of expression and human rights in…

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Somalia:Arrest warrant issued for Dahabshiil Manager over serious allegations.

0 Visits: 14421 | Saturday August 20, 2016 - 01:13:53
The Somali National prosecutor's Office issued warrant for the arrest of several people including manager of the Dahabshil's branch in Mogadishu,Abdullahi Nur Awdiinle and others of the branch. The office ordered CID to immediately bring them in front of the court.

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Somali remittance company near collapse by family feud

0 Visits: 7293 | Sunday August 14, 2016 - 13:48:26
The giant remittance company Dahabshiil is facing serous family crises and customers are worried. "After its founder is ill and lost vital memories of his life and other job related issues," family friends and customers told WAAGACUSUB.

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Somali President vows to wipe Habargidir and Murusade off Banadir Province

0 Visits: 7567 | Tuesday August 09, 2016 - 12:39:24
Waagacusub.net - President Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud named a committee that he hopes will cleanse Habargidir and Murusade tribes from Hiiraan Province. The members of the committee come from Abgaal but lacks the support of their tribe.

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Somalia: Strange airplanes land and take off the Mogadishu airport during the nights

0 Visits: 8887 | Wednesday August 03, 2016 - 09:22:56
Waagacusub.net - Strange airplanes land and take off the Aden Adde International Airport of the nation capital of Mogadishu, according to Police, security Officials and diplomats in Halane base.

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NUSOJ denounces fresh anti-union act by Minister of Information

0 Visits: 7093 | Sunday July 24, 2016 - 21:59:05
The Executive Committee of the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) wishes to publicly denounce the unscrupulous act of the Minister of Information of the Federal Government of Somalia, Mohamed Abdi Hayir, who interfered, manipulated and conspired with new chief justice of Somalia, Ibrahim Idle…

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[Daawo] tacadigga Dowladda Damujadiid ku kacday - shaqaalahii Deva Hospital iyo Bukaanadii laga eryay?

0 Visits: 0 | Saturday July 23, 2016 - 23:39:22
Daawo tacadigga Dowladda Damujadiid ku kacday - shaqaalahii Deva Hospital iyo Bukaanadii laga eryay?

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Video Turkey violates the national unity of Somalia

0 Visits: 5851 | Saturday July 23, 2016 - 14:49:06
Waagacusub.net — Turkish Consulate General in Hargeisa announced that it recognizes the passport of the breakaway region of Somaliland.

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[Daawo] Turkiga oo Qaranimadda Somalia ku gefay kuna dhawaaqay ?

0 Visits: 36820 | Friday July 22, 2016 - 11:11:43
Waagacusub.net - Taageeraddii iyo sacab tunkii shacabka Soomaaliyeed la garab istaageen Dowladda Turkey ayaa isu bedeshay murugo iyo naceyb uguba kadib markii Qunsulka Turkiga u fadhiya Hargeysa ku dhawaaqay iney dowladiisa aqoonsatay baasaboorka Somaliland .

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[Sir xasaasiya:] Madaxweynaha Puntland oo heshiis hoose la galay Al-Shabaab ?

0 Visits: 32480 | Thursday July 21, 2016 - 07:48:26
Waagacusub.net - Heshiiska dhexmaray Madaxweyne Gaas iyo Al-Shabaab oo ay ka shaqeeyeen ganacsato iyo Wadaado reer Puntland ah waxaa lagu gaaray qodobo xasaasiya oo leeysla lafa guray intii u dhaxeeysay December 2014 ilaa May 2015.

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Somali intelligentsia are suffering rare mental condition

0 Visits: 3815 | Tuesday July 19, 2016 - 07:37:23
There is no doubt that Somali intelligentsia are suffering rare mental condition that could generically be termed "imaginephopia." It is a condition that torments the individual and creates fear of imagining beyond their existing condition.

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[Daawo war farxadleh] Midowga Africa oo ansixiyay in Passport-ka Somalia lagu geli karo dalalka Africa Visa La-aan?

0 Visits: 0 | Sunday July 17, 2016 - 22:31:09
By the time Heads of State leave Rwanda's capital on the 18th of July, the continent should be one step closer to Visa free-travel for African nationals, within the continent. The establishment of an African Passport, issued by Member states, is one of the linchpins of the ambitious Vision 2063…

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[Daawo] guulaha yaabka badan ee Madaxweynaha Turkey gaarsiiyay dadkiisa iyo dalkiisa ?

0 Visits: 0 | Sunday July 17, 2016 - 05:10:34
Daawo guulaha yaabka badan ee Madaxweynaha Turkey gaarsiiyay dadkiisa iyo dalkiisa ?

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Somali bussiness community urged US to return CASH

0 Visits: 3879 | Sunday July 17, 2016 - 04:06:38
Waagacusub.net - Business people in the Somali capital of Mogadishu and other parts of the war torn nation of the country urged the US to give back the Somalis millions of dollars frozen after the 911 attack.

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Somalia:Banadir Administration's interference with the Somali regions football tournaments can be implementing tribalism

0 Visits: 4049 | Sunday July 17, 2016 - 00:34:30
Waagacusub.net —Mogadishu administration has the first time started tribalism for favoring certain hotels over others which can ignite violence among the co-existing residents, according to our sources.

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[Daawo] xasuuqii ugu xumaay Faransiiska -ninkii geeystay iyo meeydad safan wadooyinka

0 Visits: 0 | Saturday July 16, 2016 - 08:39:49
Daawo xasuuqii ugu xumaay Faransiiska -ninkii geeystay iyo meeydad safan wadooyinka

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Somalia:War to Defeat Al Shabab Militarily

President HSM's Proclamation to Defeat Al-Shabab by Force in Somalia To overcome the complex problems of civil war, state fragility, and underdevelopment, the Somali people supported risky political changes for a government that promotes freedom, justice, peace, and prosperity in Somalia. For example, the Islamic movements enjoyed popular support to end the brutal reigns of warlords and the military occupation of Ethiopia and establish new government.

Somalia:$17 million external support has not been channeled through the country's single treasury account

Waagacusub.net -Auditor General Mohamed Ali alias Afgoi has exposed missing millions of dollars from key departments within the Federal Government of Somalia [FGS], in what could raise questions about government expenditures. In his report, Afgoi said 25 entities and three embassies have been audited. Unsupported expenditure amounts to $9M; contracts worth $31M not registered with auditor general's office, the existence of unauthorized bank accounts outside the Treasury Single Account.

Al-qaida Share ,IBS bank Somalia launches Visa Card Payment

Waagacusub.net - IBS Bank Somalia, which is believed to have the largest amount of money, Al-Qaeda Finance Secretary Fazul Abdallah from Comoros has started issuing Visa Card Payments for the first time. Al-Shabaab's finance secretary confirmed that Mohamed Ali Warsame had $ 157 million in cash, according to Khalif Ereg, who was later bribed with $ 2 million.

UGANDA: New Cabinet Members and Ministers of State

I hereby inform the country that By virtue of the Authority given to the President of Uganda by Articles: 108(2), 108A(1), 113(1) and 114(1) of the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, I hereby appoint H.E. the Vice President, Rt. Hon. Prime Minister, Honourable Cabinet Ministers and other Ministers as indicated below:

Journalists barred from covering Somali leaders' meeting

The Associated Somali Journalists is deeply concerned that journalists were today barred from covering the meeting of the leaders of the Federal Government of Somalia and Federal Member States (FMSs) as well as the Governor and Mayor of Mogadishu.

President Mahad Salaad: the Only Guarantor for Galmudug's Security and Prosperity

Galmudug State is not just the geographic heart of Somalia but the quintessential soul of the Somali nation. Within Galmudug, all the major Somali clan lineages- the Hawiye, Dir, Darood and Madhibaan are represented. No other Somali region or state is home to such diverse and influential clans with such extensive historical significance in Somalia as found in the Galmudug territory. Economically, Galmudug in 2024 is set to be the first location for the offshore oil and gas that the Somali Federal Government in partnership with the Houston-based American company, Coastline Exploration have commenced work on off the Hobyo coast since 2021. Full Article


Somalia's leader mourns death of Namibia president

Waagacusub.net - Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud on Sunday mourned the death of Namibia President Hage G. Geingob and sent condolences to the government of the African country. Full Article


Somalia's ex-president warns of risk of 'political crisis' over plans to overhaul constitution

Waagacusub.net - Somalia's former President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo on Monday warned of the risk of political crisis over plans by the incumbent President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud to overhaul the constitution. Full Article


Egyptian President says will protect Somalia against anz threat

Waagacusub.net - Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi said his country will protect Somalia against any threat in what can be described as an indirect response to recent Ethiopia's move to access the seaport of Somaliland. Full Article


Egypt Condemns Suicide Bomber Attack in Somalia

Egypt on Tuesday condemned a suicide bomber attack in Somalia that killed at least 20 soldiers. The attack took place at a training camp in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, on Monday. The al-Shabab terrorist group claimed responsibility. Full Article


Hormuud telecom and Al-Shabaab's Strategy of Destroying Mobile Communication Masts

Hormuud's Assault on African Peacekeepers Figure 14: African Peace Keepers Hormuud launched a scorching public campaign against the Kenyan military forces in AMISOM in late August 2019. Full Article


Former Intel official stripped from NISA membership

Former Intel official stripped from NISA membership Full Article





Abiy says 'New Year' will be celebrated in Eritrea, Ethiopian Airlines to resume flights

Abiy says 'New Year' will be celebrated in Eritrea, Ethiopian Airlines to resume flights Full Article


Massive rise in Islamist militant attacks in Africa

Massive rise in Islamist militant attacks in Africa Full Article