[Topnews Akhri -daawo] qaladaadka iyo qiyaanooyinka uu Madaxweyne Garguurte ka galay dalka iyo dadka Soomaaliyeed

Tuesday March 29, 2016 - 04:04:45 in Daily News by Super Admin
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    [Topnews Akhri -daawo] qaladaadka iyo qiyaanooyinka uu Madaxweyne Garguurte ka galay dalka iyo dadka Soomaaliyeed

    Dowladda ka jirta Muqdisho maxaan ugu yeernaa,muxuu yahay magaceeda ? Ma Dowladda Somalia ,Ma Dowladda Damujadiid,Ma Dowladda Gaajadda,Ma Dowladda gumeeystaha mise Dowladda Isgooleey iyo Maqaayadleey.

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Dowladda ka jirta Muqdisho maxaan ugu yeernaa,muxuu yahay magaceeda ? Ma Dowladda Somalia ,Ma Dowladda Damujadiid,Ma Dowladda Gaajadda,Ma Dowladda gumeeystaha mise Dowladda Isgooleey iyo Maqaayadleey.

Dalkii Somalia waa la qeeybsaday - waa la qaatay, Badda Somalia waa la gatay, Wabiggii Somalia waxaa leexsaday Ethiopia ,Cirkii ama Hawaddii Somalia horey gacanta Dowladda Somalia uguma jirin ,dadku waxeey u dhamaanayaan qaraxyo,abaaro,tahriib,colaad iyo shaqo la-aan.

Maxaad taqaan 30-ka qalad iyo qiyaano Qaran ee ku hardhan taariikhda Madoow ee Madaxweyne Garguurte ?

1-Madaxweyne Garguurte markii la doortay maalmo kadib wuxuu sheegay inuusan qaraxyadda ka dhaca Muqdisho uga nixin sida uu uga naxo qaraxyadda ka dhaca Islii Nairobi.

2-Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu si xun ula hadlay Ciidankii xooga dalka Soomaaliyeed isagoo ku yiri "Qofkii aan rabin Mushaar boqol dollar ah gurigga hooyadiis ha aado.

3-Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu lacagtii Qaranka ku riday Ra’isulwasaare Saacid iyo Ra’isulwasaare Cabdiweli,wuxuuna Ra’isulwasaaraha Somalia ka dhigay ninkii iibsaday badda Somalia Cumar Cabdirashiid.

4-Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu horeeyay ee amray in la kala eryo shaqaalahii ka xamaalan jiray Dekadda iyo garoonka Xamar,isagoo aqbalay in shaqooyinkii muwaadiniinta Soomaaliyeed laga eryay la siiyo,lagu bedelo kuwa u dhashay Turkiga.maadama uu Shirkadahaas saami ku leeyahay.

5-Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu iibsaday dhulkii danta guud iyo dhismayaashii Qaranka sida dhulkii Asluubta,Gaadiidka Cirka,Airport-ka,Warshaddii Caanaha,Beertii Ceelgaab,Carwadii Taleex,Eeneeyo iyo degaano kale oo muhiima.

6-Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu shaah iyo sharaab ku dul cabay meeydadka dadkii lagu xasuuqay Seafood Xeebta Liido,wuxuuna maalmo kadib u dhoofay Nairobi isagoo u sajuuday kobaha askartii Kenya xill ay duqeeynayeen shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool Gobolka Gedo.

7-Madaxweyne Garguurte marna kama hadal xasuuqii iyo duqeyntii Ciidanka Kenya kula kaceen shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool Ceelcade,Gedo.sidoo kalena kama hadlin xasuuqii lagula kacay shacabkii Ciidanka Liyuu Booliska Xabashida Ethiopia ku xasuuqeen xaduuda Galgaduud iyo Ethiopia sida Garajir iyo Balidhiig.wuxuuna noqday Madaxweyne mar walba faraxsan oo murugo wejigiisa laga dheehdo marka la xasuuqo ama masiibo ku dhacdo ajnabiyiinta halka laga rabay inuu ka murugoodo xasuuqa iyo dhibaatadda lagu hayo dadkiisa Soomaaliyeed.

8-Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu horeeyay ee  xaaskiisa weyn Qamar Cumar siiyay qandaraaska Canshuur aruurinta gobolka Banaadir ee guryaha lagu canshuuro,iyadoo ku leh guri walba Canshuurta laga qaado 30% iyadoo canshuurta guryahana saaratay 12 $ dollar taas oo ka dhigan iney leedahay 42$ dollar guri kasta Canshuurta laga qaado.

9- Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu horeeyay ee Xaaskiisa labaad Sahra Indha Yar siiyay qandaraaska Shidaalka gobolka Banaadir ee Ciidanka,Madaxda ,shaqaalaha Dowladda hoose.iyadoo ay xusid mudan tahay ineysan Shidaalka laheyn balse saarato lacag xaaraan iyo naasnuujina.

10- Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu horeeyay ee iib geeyay gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed si ay u dhileeystaan ama jirkooda uga ganacsadaan ,isagoo heshiis la galay Dowladda Sacuudi Carabiya oo aan ogoleeyn in gabdhahooda xitaa baabuurta wadaan,ahna dalka kaliya ee aduunka diiday inuu shaqaale geeyo. balse kaba sii darane Sacuudiga waxeey sharuud ka dhigeen in gabdhaha loo geeynaayo da’doodu u dhaxeeyso 20 ilaa 40 jir.

11-Madaxweyne Garguurte maalin qura kama hadal Wabbigga ay leexsadeen Xabashidda Ethiopia ee sababay abaaraha ka aloosan goboladda Somalia.

12 -Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu horeeyay ee baabi-iyay dabaqadii dhexe ee nolosha isagoo dhaqaalaha kala dagaalay Somalida si ay u noqdaan faqri.,waxaa Somalia ku nool maanta qoysas ladan oo tujaara iyo kuwa aan casho iyo quraac heli karin oo saboola.

13- Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu horeeyay ee saxiixay heshiis dhigaya ineysan dad Somalia ka shaqeeyn karin mashruuca Xalane oo ah dhul uu siiyay Midowga Yurub.taas oo u badan dhul ay leeyihiin Muwaadiniin Soomaaliyeed.

Sharcigga Caalamiga iyo kan Midowga wuxuu mamnuucayaa midab takoor,iyadoo heshiiskaan uu saxiixay Madaxweynaha Somalia lagu dhigay xitaa inaan la shaqaaleeyn karin qof isirkiisu Somali yahay xitaa haddii uu heeysto dhalashooyinka reer Galbeedka.

14-Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu horeeyay ee Somalia kaas oo Wasiir ka tirsan Dowladiisa uu hortiisa ka sheego in Somaliland tahay dal madaxbanaan oo aan UN-ka aqoonsi ka helin.

15-Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu horeeyay ee Baarlamaanka hortiisa ka sheega in amniga iyo garsoorka dalka wax walba loo dhiibi karo ajnabi si ay u maamulaan ama ula wareegaan laakiin siyaasadda loo baahan yahay iney Somalida ka shaqeeyso ?

16- Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu horeeyay ee markii uu xilka ku guuleeystay Caruurtiisa dalka si degdega uga dhoofiyay isagoo markiiba gurya uga iibshay Turkiga iyo Tanzania.

17- Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu horeeyay ee sheegay ineysan xaquuq laheyn afartan Milyan ee gobolka Banaadir ku nool,isagoo dhinaca kalena  aqbalay in Degaanka Jazeera iyo Ceelasha biyaha looga taliyo Baydhabo ,oo hoos tagaan maamulka koofur Galbeed.

18- Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu horeeyay ee Midowga Yurub u saxiixay iney dhamaan qaxootigga Soomaaliyeed ku celiyaan Somalia.

19- Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu horeeyay ee argagixisadda Al-Shabaab ugu galeen Villa Somalia kadibna warbaahinta la hadlay isagoo qoslaayo.

20- Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu horeeyay ee aan weligiis Somalida la xasuuqay ama la qarxiyay tacsi u dirin eheladooda balse qaraxyadda ka dhaca dibadda iyo colaadaha ka aloosan si degdega uga tacsiyadeeya ama u cambaareeyo.

21-Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu horeeyay ee lacagtii iyo hantidii Somalia u tiilay dibadda u dirsaday nin ay isku beel yihiin oo ka tirsan argagixisadda Al-Shabaab laguna magacaabo Muse Ganjab ,sida lagu cadeeyay warbixinta UN Monitoring Group.

22-Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu horeeyay ee hadal uu warbaahinta ka sheegay cabsi darteed u beeniyay ,isagoo naftiisa hafray,tusaale wareeysigii uu Somali Cable ku siiyay Turkey ee ku saabsanaa in weerarkii Ceelcadde looga dilay Kenya 180 - ilaaa 200 askari,wuxuuna soo saaray warsaxaafadeed uu ku beeniyay warkaas oo maqal iyo muuqaal ah.

23-Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu horeeyay ee aqbalay in xoolaha dhidig loo dhoofiyo dalalka Carabta sida Geella,Lo-da iyo Arrigga taas oo aan taariikhda dunida ka dhicin ,kana ah mamnuuc dalka Somalia sida ku cad sharcigga xoolo dhoofinta.

24- Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu beenta badnaay Somalia ,iyadoo aysan jirin ballanqaad uu fuliyay tan iyo maalintii la doortay ,isagoo markii ugu dambeeyay xeebta Liido ka sheegay in dadkii ku dhaawacmay weeraradii Seafood loo qaadi doono dibadda balse aan hal qof la qaadin.

25-Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu horeeyay ee tegay qabrigii Maxamed Siyaad Barre kadibna iyadoo loo jeedo intuu ciid ka cantoobsaday ku shubtay Jeebka laakiin ma noqon Madaxweynahii ugu horeeyay ee Villa Somalia geeyo kooxo faaliyeyaala ama Saaxiriin.

26-Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu horeeyay ee shacabka Soomaaliyeed qofkasta oo magaciisa maqlo habaaro ,hiifo ,xitaa dadka la qabiilkaa ay ka caayaan fagaarayaasha.

27- Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu horeeyay ee dadkii la shaqeeynaayay ku fashilmeen siyaasadda iyadoo baarlamaanka si cad u diiday in lagu soo daro golaha Wasiiradda Cabdikariim Xuseen Guled,Faarax Cabduqadir,Sanbaloolshe iyo Xalane.

28-Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu horeeyay ee sheegay inuusan rajo ka qabin inuu dib isu sharaxo marka waqtigiisa dhamaado hasse yeeshee is sharaxay,isagoo markii horena afkiisa ku qirtay ineysan dhaqanka Somalida aheyn iney dib u doortaan Madaxweyne taladda dalka soo qabtay.

29- Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu horeeyay ee Ciidan beeshiisa u diray iney dilaan Xildhibaan Yusuf Dirir iyadoo meeydkii Xildhibaanka iyo Ciidankii dilay labaduba isla hoydeen Villa Somalia ,halka Ciidankii difaacay Xildhibaanadii kale ee jidka maraayay dhamaantood xabsiga loo taxaabay ? iyadoo aan ilaa iyo maanta uusan fadeexadda iyo dimbigga intaas la eg ka hadlin ama sooba hadal qaadin dhiiggii eebbe ha u naxariistee Xildhibaan Yusuf Dirir.

30- Madaxweyne Garguurte wuxuu noqday Madaxweynahii ugu musuqmaasuqa,Cadaalad daradda,doqonimadda iyo qabyaaladda badnaay ee soo mara Somalia,isagoo xilalkii ugu sareeyay dalka Somalia ku tixay beeshiisa,sida ilahii dhaqaalaha,taliskii Ciidanka,iyo shaqaalahii Madaxtooyadda kor ilaa iyo hoos.

By Dahir Alasow

[email protected]

Read it here a English Version


Video Somali President’s characteristics and his historical mistakes

Somalia's historical enemies of Ethiopia and Kenya to annex Somalia bit by bit.Ethiopia diverted the water flow of the Shabelle river. Kenya annexed 150 kms of Somalia's maritime boundary--- rich in oil and gas. 

Our Somali people have been dying because of famine, droughts, tribal strife, terrorism, unemployment and migration.Our airspace has already out of our hands. 

President Hassan Sheikh has done 30 historical mistakes since he took the office. 

1. The onset of his office, he stated that he would not show solidarity with the Somali victims of terrorism but foreigners. 

 2.He foolishly threatened Somalia's troops by saying every soldier that does not content salary with a stipend worth $ 100 a month should leave his job.

 He used millions of dollars belong to the Somali nation for the bribing of the Somali Parliamentarians in order to unseat two PMs :Abdiweli Ahmed and Abdi Farah Shirdon. And he appointed Sharmarke, who sold Somali maritime from foreigners as PM. 

3. He is the first president that allowed Turkish employees to take the jobs from Somali port workers simply because of being a stakeholder in these Turkish companies. 

4. He sold national-owned land and buildings, including areas of the police discipline, air transport, airport, Milk factory, Guardian of Elgab, Taleh, Eneyo, among other important places.  

 5.Instead of expressing grief when the civilians at Lido seafood restaurant were massacred by Shabaab, he drank tea and enjoyed with his drinks while families and relatives were mourning. A short while after he flew to Kenya and bowed the  boots of the killed Kenyan soldiers. When Kenyan warplanes were pounding civilians in Gedo region of Somalia. 

6. President Hassan never spoke about the massacres of the El-adde, Gedo people by the Kenyan jet fighters. He also did not speak out the killings of the civilians in Garajir and Balidhiig  at the Somali-Ethiopia border by the militias of Liyuu Police. Instead of mourning with his Somali people, his response to the Somali massacres has always been smiling and happiness. In contrary, when foreigners afflicted on misfortune his face looks sorrowful and unhappiness. 

7. He became the first president that offered his wife, Kamar Omar, the contracts of  revenue collection from property taxes. His wife  increased the tax on houses in Banadir from $30+12$ = $42.

11. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud did not speak a single day about the diverted Shabelle river water flow by the Ethiopia. The Diversion of river water added more problems to those already suffering due to the droughts in the regions of Somalia.

12. He is the first president that destroyed  the middle class and deliberately impoverished them while allowing only upper-income households and lower-income households. 

13. He is  the first president that signed an agreement which prohibits any Somali national to be hired -the project of Halane that he gave to the European Union when most of  it are land property belonging to Somali nationals. 

The agreement reads, "A Somali national whether they have Western citizenship or not can not be allowed to work in this project". It is pretty much racism and violates  both the laws of Somalia and Europe. 

14. He is the first President that one of his government ministers said in front of him, "Somaliland is an independent country that lacks United Nation's recognition." 

15. President Hassan said in front of the Somalia parliamentarians that foreigners can run the nation's security and judicial affairs, but Somalis could do political affairs. 

16. He became the first President that sent his children outside of the country,  shortly after he elected and bought houses for them in Turkey and Tanzania. 

17. He became the first president that denied the political rights of 4 million residents in Banadir region. He also ordered the regions of Jazeera and Elasha Biyaha (Water wells) to be governed from Baidoa.

18.  President Mohamud is the first president that signed the repatriation of Somali refugees living in EU to Somalia.  

19. Mr. Mohamud is the first president that the terrorist Al-Shabaab entered his presidential palace of Villa Somalia and  spoke to the media on the incident smilingly. 

20. He is the first president that did not send condolences to the  families of the terrorist victims, however; when it comes to terror attacks of the foreign countries he sends condolences and condemnations Rushingly. 

21. He is the first president that assigned Muse Ganjab to help him steal Somali national assets held in abroad as  mentioned in the report of UN Monitoring Group. 

22. He is the first president that released a press release refuting his same word,  shortly after he said 180-200 Kenyan troops were killed in the attack in El Adde which was aired by Somali Cable in Turkey.  

23. He is the first president  that accepted the exportation of the procreating livestock such as camels, cattle, goats and sheep to Arab World which violates the longstanding Somali policy, which banned it.  

24. He is the first president that hardly fulfills his pledges since he appointed the post. He promised the  injured  people in Lido seafood restaurant to hospitals in abroad to receive proper medical treatment yet no single person taken to abroad. 

25. He is not the first president brought in black magicians in his presidential palace of Villa Somalia. But he is being the first president that visited the grave of the former Somali President Mohamed Siad Barre and took a pocketful of sand into his pocket when everybody could see. 

26.  He is the first president that every Somali person hates to hear his name and curse whenever they hear it even those closest to him in kinship criticize him in publicly. 

27. He is the first president that his co-workers politically failed and Somali MPs rejected his proposal to be included Abdikarim Hussein Guled, Farah Abdikader. Sanbalolshe and Halane in the cabinet. 

28. He is the first president that said he did not run the presidency and then restated that he wants to run the presidency after the end of his tenure. However, his next statements contradict the first. He himself stated that Somalis never re-elected a president that held a term traditionally. 

29. President Mohamud is the first president that sent his tribal arms-men to assassinate Yusuf Dirir and managed the body and its assassins stay the night in the Villa Somalia. While soldiers that defended  the Parliamentarians walking in the street placed in jail. And since then, never mention the blood of the deceased MP Yusuf Dirir (rip).

30. Mr. Mohamud  became the most ever corrupted Somali president and clan-chauvinist that behaves unjustly. He appointed the most important posts: The Finance, the Generals and the presidential staffers from top to the bottom to his clansmen.  

By Dahir Alasow

[email protected]


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