Topnews:- Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo beentii ugu weeyneed sheegay iyo Wariye caana oo ceebeeyay

Sunday March 26, 2017 - 10:21:54 in Somali News by Super Admin
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    Topnews:- Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo beentii ugu weeyneed sheegay iyo Wariye caana oo ceebeeyay

    Xalay waxaan si toos ah u daawanayey khudbad Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdulaahi Farmaajo uu u jeedinayey Soomaalida ku dhaqan Nairobi.

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Xalay waxaan si toos ah u daawanayey khudbad Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdulaahi Farmaajo uu u jeedinayey Soomaalida ku dhaqan Nairobi.

Madaxweynaha oo ka dayrinayey heerka ay gaarsiisan tahay miisaaniyada Dowlada Federaalka ayaa sheegay inay dhantahay $300 milyan.

Wuxuu sheegay inay tahay miisaaniyad yar, isagoo barbar dhigay miisaaniyada dowlada Kenya oo sida uu sheegay dhan $100 bilyan.

Kama hadlayo misaaniyada Dowlada Federaalka oo Madaxweynuhu isagaa iiga xogogaalsan, balse waxaan doonayaa in aan sharaxo tan Kenya.

Dakhliga miisaaniyada dowlada Kenya sanadii 2016 wuxuu dhamaa $12 bilyan, halka ay kharash ahaan u isticmaaleen $17 bilyan.

Kenya waxay isticmaashay lacag dhan $5 bilyan oo ka baxsan dakhligeeda taas oo inteeda badan ay soo amaahatay.

Miisaaniyada Kenya uma dhow inta uu sheegay Madaxweynuhu, Imaaraadka Carabta oo ah dal qani ah ayey miisaaniyadiisu dhantahay $113 bilyan.

Dunida waa ka muhiim marka Madaxweyne khudbad jeedinay ugu yaraan inuu xog ka haysto mawduuca uu ka hadlayo, waa sababta aan qoraalkan u qoray.

Shiine Culay

Musharaxii shilinku reebay.

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