[Xog:]Sawiro Ninkii Sawiradda ku xaday Madaxweyne Garguurte oo noqday Majeerteen u shaqeeya Mareykanka ?

Saturday July 23, 2016 - 20:41:44 in Articles by Super Admin
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    [Xog:]Sawiro Ninkii Sawiradda ku xaday Madaxweyne Garguurte oo noqday Majeerteen u shaqeeya Mareykanka ?

    Baaris Warbaahinta Waagacusub sameeysay ayaa lagu xaqiijiyay in ninkii gaarigga ku waday Madaxweyne Garguurte ee sawiradda ka qaaday isagoo hurdaa lagu magacaabo Faysal Xasan una dhashay beesha Majeerteen.

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Baaris Warbaahinta Waagacusub sameeysay ayaa lagu xaqiijiyay in ninkii gaarigga ku waday Madaxweyne Garguurte ee sawiradda ka qaaday isagoo hurdaa lagu magacaabo Faysal Xasan una dhashay beesha Majeerteen.

Ninkaan oo ka tegay Dalka Mareykanka ayaa ka mida Somali u shaqeeysa Ciidanka Mareykanka ee taliska Balidoogle hasse yeeshee wuxuu ku kacay qaladkii ugu xumaay ee qof Madaxweyne lagu aaminay ku dhiiraday taariikhda.

Xasan Faarax ayey Mareykanka u xilsaareen inuu gaari weyn oo Bus ah ku qaado Madaxweyne Garguurte laakiin wuxuu awooday inuu gaarigga shil la geliyo ama la baxsado maadama uu ahaay nuuca aan xabadda karin .

Saraakiisha Villa Somalia oo aan ninka aqoon u laheyn ayaa Waagacusub ugu faanay iney xireen laakiin lama hubo.

Sikastaba ha ahaatee, waxaan helnay sawiro muujinaya Xasan Faarax oo qol fool xumo badan dhex jiifa isagoo ay ag yaalaan gasacyo u eg kuwa Khamriga .

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Cadaalada Madaxweyne Farmaajo? Dilkii Siraaji iyo Xukunka toogashadda Askari Caydiid

Ugu horeyn Alle ha u naxariisto Siraaji. Waxanan halkan ku cadeynayaa in aan ka xumaaday dhacdadaa lagu waayey wiilka da'da yaraa ee mustaqbalka fiican lahaa. Full Article



Waxaan halkaan idinkugu soo gudbinayaa maqaal aan ugu talo galay inaan ku iftiimiyo qayb kamid ah qaladaadka joogtada ah ee qaar kamid ah Madaxda Qaranku ka galayaan Dalkii iyo Dadkii ay mas'uuliyada uhayeen. Si loo saxo, Dowladuna aysan dhumin kalsoonidii Shacabka Soomaaliyeed u muujiyeen Doorashadii Madaxweynaha, Magacaabistii Ra'iisul Wasaaraha iyo Dhismihii Xukuumada. Kalsoonidaas oo hadii aan la'dabo qaban ay suurtogal tahay in ay noqoto LA MOOD NOQONSE WEYDAY! Full Article


[Topnews:-] Dowladda Somalia oo ku guuldareeysatay Mashruucii Mareykanka ee Malaayiinta dollar kadib markii Puntland diiday ?

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Topnews:- Dowladda Somalia oo ku guuldareeysatay Mashruucii Mareykanka ee Malaayiinta dollar kadib markii Puntland diiday ?



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Topnews:- Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo beentii ugu weeyneed sheegay iyo Wariye caana oo ceebeeyay

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